Chapter 3

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"Congratulations honey!" Gavin said before quickly pulling me into a long hug. We were on the ground floor since I had only just arrived at work "sweetie I'm so happy for you, you really deserved this! Especially with the amount of time and effort you put into that shoot" he smiled and I couldn't help but just pulling him back into another long embrace "thank you so much for the opportunity Gavin, it's all on you"

We grabbed coffee together then we headed up to our floor where all the girl were, since Gavin had told them I was going to be on the covers they all waited for me to congratulate me.

Me and all the other girls always had this pact that we would all be happy for each others successes

Gavin walked me to my office and it was empty "what..?" I was so confused, I looked at Gavin will a little panic "hush honey, follow me" he grabbed my hand and lead me down the corridor towards an office right next to his. He opened the door and it was beautiful.

The room was a huge open space it had loads of room for different clothes, it had huge windows covering the back wall giving an amazing view of the city. The room was decorated with all my things and all my pictures.

I look back at Gavin still really confused "what's this..?" He smiled and walked in with me "Alissa, I have chosen you to be my assistant! You deserve this so much and i know this promotion is right for you!" He hugged me and I hugged back still in shock. "Alright Gavin where are the cameras" I laughed awkwardly, he shock his head "honey you're really my new assistant!"

After everyone congratulated me more and left to continue with their things I sat in my new desk chair and pulled out my phone "hey baby! I have really really good new!!" I said excitedly to Josh who was on the other end of the phone.

"Ali are you serious! You're kidding right?!" "No Josh I'm dead serious!" He cheer my phone down for me told me how proud he was of me, we talked for a while then I wrapped up the conversation so I could actually get on with some real work instead of gossiping to my boyfriend. I heard a little knock on the door and Chloe walked in, as she walking in she looked around completely amazed by my new office "Ali this is so cool, I'm so happy for you!" I got ups and hugged he thanking her.

Time skip...

It wa the end of my day and I was finishing up all my work getting readying to leave. I turned around and looked at the view of the city, the city looked beautiful especially as it was all lit up. Gavin came in and congratulated me one last time before we walked down to the parking lot together and we parted ways.

I got into my car and headed back to my apartment, when I got there I aprking up in the apartment garage and I walked over to the lift, I walked in and pressed the right buttons.

I got up to my floor and I walking into the apartment, the smell of cooking food hit me again for the third time this week, josh heard the front door open and close so he knew I was home "hey babe, I'm making your favourite" I didn't say anything and I just pulled him closer and kissed him "thank you so much josh, I really don't deserve you" he shook his head and we had a short little funny debate on it.

I changed into nicer and we sat down together again to eat. We spoke about each other's days, josh worked as a personal trainer so he was busy all day. We spoke about my promotion and he wa still really really proud of me for it.

Time skip...

I'm laying in bed at 1:00am, I lay there completely awake, i just couldn't fall asleep. I looked over atjosh and he was peaceful fast asleep, I sighed and got up. I went to the bathroom and changed into something a little nicer then I grabbed my keys and left the apartment leaving my phone behind.

I figured a calm night stroll would make me a litter more tired.

I walk down to the double door of the apartment block and I walked along the street taking in all the fresh air. I looked around as only the street lights lit the way.

I heard a few nice but I didn't really take much notice and just kept walking...

That's was until someone grabbed me and pulled me back into a little alleyway. I tried to scream but and large strong hand covered up my mouth then a black mask wa pulled over my head. Suddenly to more pairs of strong big hands gripped wrist together and tying then together with rope. Then someone push my legs closer together and tied then with rope too. I kept trying to move but there was no way I could escape this.

I was thrown in the back of a van then I heard all the door closed as people got in. I tried moving around everywhere I could until my head hit what felt like a food "bro quit moving around!" A voice called from above me, the voice was definitely not a males voice it wa sorry sure a females voice.

I slowly opened my eyes, I was layed aside ways on a concrete floor with my ankles and wrists still tied with a bit of duct tape stuck over my mouth. I moved a little then I felt some hands hold me up so I was sit up straight. The hands were soft and smaller, the lights instantly turned on blinding me a little, I cautiously looked up at teh person kneeling down in front of me. A girl was kneeled down over me. The first thing I noticed was her piercing blue eyes that stared back at me until she looked back at some guy who was behind her.

"She looks kind of familiar.." a soft calm voice spoke but the same voice as earlier. A guy who looked really rough with scars all over his faced came over and kneeled down too. They both looked stared into my souls for a moment before the expression on the girl's face dropped "boss...shes that model" she instantly got up and walked over to a random desk and started looking through it

She came back and passed a magazine with me on the cover to the guy "damn!billie you're right!"

So that's her name....Billie

a/n: hey, I hoped you guys enjoyed this new chapter, let me know what you would want to see for this book :)

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