Chapter 9

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Season 4 Episode 9(After);

We kept walking, we were farther from the prison now, when we came across a diner.

"Wait outside, okay? keep watch." Rick told Carl and I.

"No, you keep watch, you can barely stand I can't let you go in there alone."

"Excuse me."

"We've done this before; I'm going to help you clear it. You should just let me do it myself."

"Let's go," we all walked in, it was dark and dirty.

I stayed up front going through the counter looking for anything useful, they went in the back to look for more food.

I found a lot of junk, pencils, napkins, empty cups. When I heard a gunshot I quickly got to my feet, running back seeing a dead Walker and Carl grabbing food.

"Everyone okay?" I asked.

Carl ignored me for a bit then answered. "Yeah."

We then left, me and Rick falling behind as Carl walked more forward.

"Hey." Rick said, Carl stopped and so did I. "That one is as good as any," he said gesturing to the house.

We walked up the porch busting the door open.

We all began to look around.

"Carl!" Rick yelled.

I took this chance to go search on my own.

"Hey asshole, hey shirt face, hey-" he was cut off by Rick.

"Watch your mouth!" He yelled quietly.

I blocked out the rest looking around, not wanting to be in their fatherly son conversation, I knew they were both pretty hurt not finding Judith.

Rick then came into the kitchen doing the same thing I was doing.

I then left right away, I knew somehow I was going to be dragged into it tonight. So not now.

We kept looking around Intel it was dark. I decided that I would sleep in the room that I found a while ago, it must of belonged to a guy, so many video games.

After a while of me laying there, staring at the wall I felt the bed sink next to me.

I turned around to face him and began to speak.

"I'm sorry," I said a bit sadly. "I'm sorry I couldn't help much." I said kissing him on the cheek.

"Just, shut up, your right. You didn't help." He sat up now, "you could've saved Judith, but no you were protecting me! I don't need you or my dad!" Right after that I got up out of the bed taking a pillow with me, heading to the kitchen.

I made a little bed in the corner of the room and cried. "You said you loved me." I whispered to myself eventually falling asleep.

"Scarlet, scarlet, scarlet, I will find you." A male voice said, I turned around to see none other than josh.

"I'll kill you, and your little boyfriend too." He said and began walking up to me with a small knife in his right hand.

"I'll kill you, just like I did them other girls." He whispered in my ear cutting my throat, blood seeping out.

I woke up holding my throat, crying, panicking.

I use to have them dreams all the time, tell the apocalypses.

I looked over at the table seeing Carl poring a bowl of cereal.

He didn't even ask if I was okay, nothing, he didn't even look at me. Maybe he didn't love me, maybe he really doesn't need me.

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