Chapter 16

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Season 4 Episode 16(A);

We sat around the fire, Rick holding a tin can with a stick trying to heat up the little food we had.

"How hungry are you, a scale of 1 to 10?" Rick asked us.

"15." Carl said with a slight laugh.

"12." Lidia replied right after.

"10." I said, we all looked at Michonne for her answer.

"28." She said looking at Rick, we all laughed at her number. Since it was the highest.

"Yeah," Rick said setting the can down. "Well It's been a while, I'm going to go check the snares." Rick then stood up.

"Can I go with you?" Carl asked looking up at his dad.

"Well how else are you going to learn?" Rick answered, they both smiled as Carl stood up.

"Hey you too." Rick said to Michonne.

"We'll be back, for you two. Will you be okay?" Rick asked.

I nodded as Lidia gave a verbal answer. "Yeah Rick we'll be fine!" She said.

"Alright." He turned around to head to the woods, but before they went any further Carl came rushing back over standing in front of me looking down.

I looked back up with a slight smile, he then leaned down and kissed me on the forehead.

"I'll be back, I love you." My heart melted at his words.

"I love you." I whispered back as he ran towards Michonne and his Father.

After a while as they disappeared into the woods Lidia came and sat next to me.

"So you, and Carl. It's not going to work out," she paused looking into my eyes. "Them, on your wrist," she pointed to my arm. I then began to pull my sleeve down. "That's going to push him away." She said. "Oh, and to add, he doesn't like sad lonely girls like you. That's why he dated so many girls like me." She smiled and began to move back to her spot.

"We aren't staying come on!" Michonne hollered to us.

I wasn't paying attention at first since Lidia's words hurt me, like big time.

We walked through the woods when we caught up with Rick, and Carl.

"You guys okay?" Carl asked walking up to me.

"Yeah, peachy." I smiled.

After that Rick kept showing us all how to set up a snare.

I kind of tuned out and thought about Carl, does he really love me?

"Help, somebody help!" A voice echoed through the forest.

Carl quickly sprung to his feet running towards the voice.

"Carl," Rick yelled.

"Carl stop."

"Carl!" He yelled lastly running toward his son.

"Help!" The voice repeatedly said.

We ran after Carl when we approached a large opening with one man and many walkers.

Carl raised his gun ready to shoot the walkers when Rick pulled him aside and said something I couldn't hear.

"We have to go!" He told us.

We all ran from the forest and towards the railroad tracks, there were walkers on the tracks.

Rick then walked up to one of the walkers stabbing it in the head and went on to the next one, and soon after everyone joined in with him.

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