Chapter 20

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Season 5 Episode 4(Slabtown);

I looked around in search for carl, but he was nowhere seen. I clutched my knife in my hand heading towards the back of the church.

And once I got behind there, I heard something I wish I hadn't. "Lidia, she means nothing to me. I still like you." That sounded like Carl.

I hid behind the side of the church, scared to look, holding the knife to my chest. Listening to the words they were exchanging with each other.

"Then what was that? Why did you make me leave If she doesn't mean anything to you?" Lidia asked, sadness in her voice.

"What do you mean? I thought it would be best if you had left, try surviving without me."

"I can't do anything without you, when you left me. I was lost."

Salty tears fell from my cheeks, the man I thought loved me, loves another.

"And I'm sorry." He said and soon after I heard the sounds of crunching of leaves, I knew what was happening. They were kissing.

I turned around running into a piece of wood, I didn't care, I just ran towards the woods. I can't be here anymore, to many memories. I rather die than see Carl with Lidia.

"Scarlet Wait!" I heard some yell.

There was no way I was going to stop; I couldn't stay there any longer.

I ran, dodging each tree, tree branch, vine, and bush that crossed my path.

I stopped by a fallen tree, I immediately fell to my knees coving my face with my hands slightly crying. Making sure I didn't attract any attention.

I sat there for a while, it was silent, too silent, but I was to broken to move anywhere else.

"Miss are you alone?" I turned around to a male holding a small pistol.

I looked in the direction of the church then back to him, am I really alone now?

"Yes, I'm alone." I said sadly, still cradling my knees.
Carl's P.O.V

After the bus left I decided to go cheek on Judith in the church knowing that if Scarlet needed me she would find me.

"Hey, is that Lidia? That girl that help scarlet?" Michonne asked looking out the boarded window.

I walked over to the window seeing Cole and Lidia talking, and not soon after. They kissed.

I walked away ignoring whatever was going in between them, yeah she's my ex, but I no longer love her.

I looked down at baby Judith sleeping in her 'crib' when I heard the sound of something crashing.

I looked at Michonne then ran outside seeing Scarlet running towards the woods.

"Scarlet wait!" I yelled running towards her, when a pair of arms wrapped around me pulling me back.

I struggled to get free but by the time I managed to get free, Scarlet was out of sight.

I turned around seeing my dad standing there as if nothing happened.

"I could have stopped her! She could die out there alone!" I yelled at him.

"She's just a girl, no need to risk your life for her." He answered.

I turned seeing Kole and Lidia standing by the building, I stomped over to where they were.

"What did you guys do to her?!" I yelled keeping my distance.

"We did nothing; we didn't even know she was over by us." Kole said, I looked at Lidia as a pink blush spread across her face.

"Whatever." I said walking into the church, walking back to Judith's room grabbing my gun, and fixing my hat.

"Where do you think you're going?" Michonne asked as I walked towards the door.

I sighed and turned around facing her. "I'm going to go find scarlet." I then walked out of the door way towards the big doors when someone grabbed my wrist.

"Stop, she might just need some time, girls can be pretty emotional." Michonne said smiling a bit.

I looked outside then back at Michonne. "If she's not back by tomorrow morning, I will go find her." I said looking at the ground.

I looked up just a little to see Michonne nodding with agreement. "And I'll go with you." She said letting me go.

"We have about an hour of sunlight left, you should get some rest." Michonne told me, I just nodded after looking back outside towards the way Scarlet ran then walked back to the room where Judith was sleeping.

I layer down on the floor covering my face with my hat eventually falling asleep, hoping Scarlet will return tonight.

Sorry, it's been a while.
I just really didn't know what to write for this chapter.
Hope you like the drama.
Cole and Lidia Huh?
Is that why they both disappeared soon after they were both found?
Guess you'll have to wait.
P.S- Sorry it's not Wednesday.

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