Chapter 3

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Season 4 Episode 3 (Isolation);

I woke up still in Carl's arms, when I heard coughing, I quickly moved out of the bed seeing almost all the people that were in Cell Block D. I then heard somewhat loud footsteps as Rick came walking up to the cell.

"Carl, Scarlet, I need you two to go stay in the office. I'm going to try to help you two from getting exposed." He paused. "It's for your own good." He gave us both this 'I care' type of look, I looked over at Carl, he sat up rubbing his eyes.

Carl sighed. "I'm fine with it, I just don't want to be locked away with a bunch of kids."

"I need you in there, keeping' an eye on Judith, and everyone else." Rick pauses. "Making sure they're safe." Carl then made his way out of bed picking up his gun, putting it in its halter.

"If anybody gets sick, you let me know." Rick said his eyes widening hoping it didn't come to that, you could hear the seriousness in his voice.

"What if they were already turned when I find them?" Carl asked depressingly.

"I have my knife Carl; we should save bullets." I said picking up my small bag, swinging it across my shoulder. Secretly hoping I wouldn't have to use it on anybody.

"She's right, don't fire unless you absolutely need to." Rick said eyeing Carl. Knowing Carl, he would shoot a can just for laughs.

"You know I might need to, right?" Carl asked Rick, looking up at him.

"Yea," Rick answered.

I was the first to exit the room down to the office, the room was getting a little intense for me, Carl didn't stick around either. Carl stayed behind me though, most likely thinking about the situation we were in.

"Hey Scar!" Carl called from behind me, I stopped turning around watching as he continued walking towards me.

"What's up?" I asked with a slight smile, he wasn't the only one upset that we had to sit in a cage while everyone else got to do something, I wanted to feel like I was actually doing something around here. I've always wanted to pay my part since they did let me in to the prison and all.

"Sorry, about you having to be locked up with me, but I'm also kind of glad my dad's making us stay together." He paused, "I really want to keep you safe. Keep Judith safe an if this is what it comes to, then so be it." Carl replied, I rinsed leaning closer to his face placing a soft kiss on his right cheek.

"Thanks for your concern, but I'm a big girl too, you know?" I smirked, turning back around making me way into the office. I mean the cage.

I opened the rather small door, that lead into a small room. It should of been a closet not a damn office.

We both put our bags down at the same time, I quietly slid down the wall landing on my butt.

I chuckled at my awkwardness, Carl must have not noticed because he gave me one of those looks saying, 'Why the hell are you laughing to yourself?'

We sat in silence for a while, it wasn't uncomfortable or anything. It was just quiet.

I layer my head back enjoying the relaxation, yet feeling rather guilty. I'm enjoying myself while people are getting sick and dying.

You could then hear another door open from across the hall, I opened my eyes to see Carl standing as if he was going to leave me alone.

I felt rather feverish. I didn't want to be alone, but I didn't want to stop him if he did decide to leave.

"Be right back." Carl said opening the door, stepping out.

I sat in silence all by myself since he left, hoping he would come back soon. After a while of just plain boredom I began going through my bag.

I found a few things that I took from my house before everything went to hell. My Photo Album is what got me the most. I ended up going through the pictures since I was by myself an all.

My mother and fathers wedding, me when I was a baby, birthday parties, family pictures, even pictures of my sister before she died in a car accident two years ago. She was only 16 when she died. I still miss her to this day. Yet I don't want her to live in this world that I'm stuck in.

I stroked the picture of the family portrait of all 4 of us as tears poked at my eyes. I quickly shut the photo album throwing it across the room. I covered my face with my hands as the tears streamed down my face.

I then began to feel light headed, sweaty, and I couldn't breathe. I knew I was getting feverish an all, but why all this?

"Carl?!" I yelled standing up, it felt as if the world was spinning faster than normal. My head sweating, my legs shaking, I could barely hold myself up.

I held on to the desk for support when Carl came rushing in through the door.

"Scar!" He said helping me hold myself up. I began coughing facing away from him, hoping that whatever cold I had. Wait, do I have what's going around?

That's killing people? That could kill me?

"Carl, go, you can't get exposed." I said weakly. "I already have it." I said refusing to the flu, I can't let him get sick because of me.

"No, I need to help you. I need to get you to Dr. S!" He said carrying me out of the room, well more liked dragged since I was so weak.

We continued walking towards the doors, when Hershel walked in front of us.

"Hershel! Please! Help Scarlet!" Carl said almost in tears, does he care that much?

"Carl, I'll try my best but there is more than one patient in there. Come I'll take her in. I'll make sure she is okay." Hershel said taking my arm helping me walk inside, my legs still wobbling.

"Get better Scarlet..." Carl said now crying a bit, I smiled at his concern, I knew I needed to fight this. So I could be by his side again.

"Carl," I coughed a bit. "I'll be okay, but you," I began to cough harder this time, my lungs began to ace. "But you need to stay strong." I looked up at Hershel. Then back to Carl. "For me." He smiled a bit wiping a tear from his cheek.

Hershel then took me inside bring me up the stairs and into a cell that was empty.

"Scarlet, you should try to get some rest. We have a long wait." He said helping me sit on the bed. I know what he meant. Michonne, Daryl, Tyreese, and Bob went to a vet college to get some medication hoping to save some people from this flu.

He then stood up walking to the door, then turned around. "I'll be back in to give you some tea, it should help with the fever." Then he left, leaving me alone.

I laid on my side still coughing and wheezing every once in a while, wishing I wasn't sick, hoping that I don't die from whatever this is. I would rather be shot in the head by whomever, but not like this. I know I need to stay strong but I can't help but cry a little.

Out of everything, I knew I was going to die. I just didn't want to die from a cold or flu.

After a while Hershel brought me the tea also helping me take a few sips. "You need to stay strong, for Carl, for you." Hershel said then left leaving me with my sickness and my thoughts.

I do need to survive, not for me, but for Carl.

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