Chapter 6

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Season 4 Episode 6(Live Bait);

Carl's P.O.V

After a long day of helping my dad out with the crops, I decided to go pay Daryl a visit. I know I haven't really seen Scar lately, but she seems pretty busy at the moment with Beth.

"Hey Carl," Daryl said, walking up to me.

"Hey Daryl, you busy?" I asked, walking beside him along the fences of the prison.

"Not really, just checking the fences." He said, stopping to stare at a few walkers.

"Daryl, I think I may need a little advice. And I can't really go to my dad, he still treats me like a child." I said, trying to figure out which walker he was eyeing, a few seconds later Daryl stabbed the walker as it approached the fence right in the forehead.

"Okay, what's up?" He asked, but before I could say anything he started speaking. "I'm not too good at advice, Carol-" he stopped.

"Yeah, I miss her too." I said, I really did, it didn't bother me too much that she was teaching the kids in the library how to survive it's just, they're so young.

"Anyways," I continued. "It's about Scarlet. Okay, don't freak out or anything, not that you would, but me and her are sort of dating." I played with my hands waiting for his expression to change, it never did. "Any who it's my first relationship, and I'm totally dumbfounded." I looked at my hands for a bit then back up at Daryl who had a small smile on his face.

"This is for real your first relationship?" He asked. I nodded. "Okay, for one, don't rush nothing with her, women don't like that. For two, compliment her, even if it's out of nowhere. There feeling grow stronger for you then." He looked away.

"Daryl, did you have anyone special before this all came?" I asked, looking around at every walker by the fence.

"No." He said firmly.

"Oh, thanks Daryl." I then began to walk away.

"Carl!" Daryl yelled, I turned around to face him as he smiled.

"Good luck." He said walking the fences again, I smiled to myself and began walking towards the prison.

I was about to open the door when two soft hands cover my hands, I immediately know who it was.

"Who is this?" I said, smiling grabbing the hands that covered my eyes.

"I don't know who is it?" Scarlet said.

"Hmm Daryl?" I asked playfully.




"Oh, I know! Hershel!" I said, laughing a bit.

"Wow, your bad at this." She said, moving her hands from my eyes with a slight laugh.

I turned around to face her as she wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around her waist, hugging back.

I do really love her, she makes me feel loved, happy. If She hadn't been saved by Daryl and my dad, I would probably be stuck growing crops still.

"Did you mean what you said?" She asked quietly in my neck.

"What did I say?" I asked a little confused pulling my face from her neck to look into her eyes.

"That you love me." She said trailing off.

My cheeks began to burn, I completely forgot that I told her that. Of course it's true, but I have to remember what Daryl told me, "Okay, for one, don't rush nothing with her, women don't like that."

But I don't want to tell her that I didn't mean it, that would break her heart.

"Yeah, I meant it." I said with a slight smile not sure how she was going to react to my answer.

"Awe, Carl you're so sweet!" She said pulling me into a hug again. I smiled, knowing I made the right decision.

"How you feeling?" I asked her as we hugged.

"Better now that I'm with you." I felt her lips curl into a smile.

We sat there for a while, just enjoying the comfort of one another.

"Walker!" Daryl called from behind me, I opened my eyes, seeing the walker getting closer to me and Scarlet.

I quickly got out of her grip pushing the walker down stabbing it in the head with my knife. I took the knife out of its head looking up to see many more coming.

"Scar, come on!" I said, grabbing her hand pulling her towards Maggie and Glenn's tower.

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