Chapter 12

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Season 4 Episode 12(Still);

I walked next to Rick noticing everything we past, occasionally looking back at Michonne and Carl laughing and talking.

"How you holding up?" Rick asked me, it took me by surprise really.

"Huh, oh um I'm okay I guess." I smile a bit.

He nodded. "We should camp here for the night." Rick said turning around facing me, Carl, and Michonne.

"Dad, we need to keep moving, the longer we rest the longer it's going to take to get to Terminus." Carl said, I mentally face palmed myself at his comment.

"Carl, we need rest. Otherwise we won't be able to keep going." Michonne commented softly, Carl nodded.

"Alright." Rick said, laying the few bags we had on the ground.

"I'll get some firewood," I said looking around at each person.

"I'll go with you." Carl said standing up walking over to me, I stopped him by placing both my hands on his shoulders.

"I got this." I laughed a little, as he frowned. I then kissed his cheek. "I'll be okay."

He then turned around as he finally realized I was going to win this argument.

I then turned around myself walking towards the woods, looking around eyeing the ground and up in the trees looking for any fallen or lose branches.

I walked further into the woods seeing a branch barley hanging on to the tree. I stood on my tippy toes reaching up trying to grab the branch, but it didn't seem to work. I stood back up looking around for something I could stand on.

I saw a small rock, big enough to push me up a little but small enough so I could push it to the tree.

I walked over to the rock pushing It over by the tree. I stood on the rock, the rock giving me just enough height to reach the branch.

I pulled the branch, it decided it didn't want to budge. I pulled harder so the you could hear the branch snapping. I was now leaning off the rock a bit when the branch snapped.

I fell backwards landing on my right arm.

I screamed in pain realizing I injured my arm, I tried to move it but nothing worked.

I tried to stand up, when a walker came from behind a tree.

I tried to grab an arrow, but I couldn't reach, my right arm was usually the one that grabbed the arrows, and since I practically broke my right arm, and only have my bow, I couldn't defend myself.

The Walker was getting closer now, I tried to back away. But the Walker kept getting closer, and closer.

I screamed as the Walker went to its knees.

I screamed again as it crawled on top of me, its eyes staring straight down at me, its mouth snapping.

"Help!" I yelled as the Walker tried to bite me.

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