Chapter 14

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Season 4 Episode 14(The Grove);

•Scarlets P.O.V•

I walked back to camp clutching my injured arm, as tears slide down my cheeks.

"Maybe, maybe he doesn't need me..." I whispered to myself walking past camp.

I continued walking, passing the railroad tracks, not wanting to go to Terminus anymore. Not if Carl is going to be there.

"He doesn't..." I repeated, as my tears finally dried to my face.

I kept walking, not going anywhere in specific, just not wanting to be there anymore.

"Where are you going?" Someone said from behind me, I turned around facing where the voice was coming from, it was Michonne.

"O-out." I said, my voice still shaky from crying earlier.

"Scarlet, what's wrong?" She asked walking closer to me, but every step she took I stepped back.

"Nothing..." I managed to say.

"Well something is obviously wrong." She said crossing her arms.

"Carl," I whisper "he kissed that girl, in front of me." I looked at the ground.

"Oh my god, honey come here!" She said holding her arms out, I ran to her. Wrapping my arms around her waist more tears streaming down my face.

"Shhhh, shhhh." She whispered. "I know what you're going through." She said a little louder.

And right when she said that I completely snapped.

"No you don't, no one does!" I yelled pulling away from her. "Did you get raped when you were 13?! Did your parents treat you like garbage?! I was and mine did!" I screamed this time letting everything out.

"Then the one person you thought loved you watch them kiss another girl?! Because that's what just happened!" I then turned around grabbing a fist full of my hair.

I kept walking, but that walking soon turned into a run, then a sprint. A right when a tree approached my sight I fell to my knees crying silently.

I leaned up against the tree bringing my knees to my chest placing my head on top of my knees.


Hey guys! You probably hate me. /-\
Hope you like, sorry for the short chapter it's just a filler. :p
I wasn't too sure if I was going to post anymore, because it seems like nobody likes my book to be honest.
Could we try and show that we like my book maybe?
That would be nice. (:
Oh and thanks for 300+ Reads!!!
Have a good Night/Day!
Don't let the walkers bite!
-NerdForLyfeee ❤️

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