Chapter 4

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Season 4 Episode 4 (Indifference);

I woke up every hour, coughing.

Coughing up blood. It was everywhere.

I felt worse than I did a while ago. headaches, stomach aches and I constantly felt dizzy, like I couldn't even stand with assistance.

Every once in a while Hershel would come in to check my lungs, making sure they didn't over flow with blood and all.

He told me that if none of us get the medicine that our lungs would fill up with blood causing us to choke and eventually die.

it was something I didn't want to think about, but I knew that it was going to happen. maybe to everyone in this prison. Maybe even Carl-No! I can't think like this or I won't get better.

"Hershel, " I said, sitting up slowly as the old man wobbled into the cell I was placed in. "When is the group c-" I paused coughing mid-sentence. "Coming back?" I asked holding a hand over my mouth, it filthy, covered with little dry blood spots.

"I don't know sweetheart," he sighed looking down at me, then began to speak again. "Also, you have a visitor by the window." he stated a little happy over the fact I get to get up for a bit, Hershel wants everyone to get better.

It's not going very well though.

"Do you need any help getting up? and towards the window?" He asked, I sighed looking down at the ground.

I didn't want Hershel to have to help me all the time, but I could barely stand. it might be best if he does help me walk towards the window.

I struggled pushing myself up, my arms shaking, I felt weak. Hershel must have noticed my struggle because he came over and helped me up, bring me to my feet I mean. He kept a hold of my arm as we began to walk to the window room.

Once we got to the window I saw the familiar sheriff hat I saw in mine and Carl's cell, a few times actually.

"Hey," I said sitting in the chair, with Hershel's help and all, I could barely feel anything, I was shaking so bad.

"Hey, how you are doing?" Carl asked standing taller than before I walked in.

"As good as I look." I said sarcastically with a slight giggle.

"Then you must be recovered." He said laughing a bit trying to hide his sadness.

I then turned my head with a slight blush, I then quickly covered my mouth trying to cover up a cough attack. I then turned towards him, my eyes watering from coughing so hard. "Stop messing around I probably look horrible." I said, squeezing my eyes shut letting the tears slip down my cheeks. questions raced through my mind, is everyone okay? Has anyone else died since I have been locked away. "Carl, how is everyone?" I asked, wanting to know if anyone has heard from Daryl and the group as well.

"Well, my dad and Carol went to go look for some food we are running low in cell block D."

"So nothing interesting? The WWE didn't play last night?" I asked trying to make him smile, maybe even laugh.

"No, no, none of that." He said slightly laughing, it was better than nothing.

I then began to feel my eyes getting heavier by the second, to the point where I could no longer see Carl. "Scar, you should go get some sleep." He mumbled, his tone filed with concern and worry.

"Okay," I then stood up and began to limp out of the window room, still feeling dizzy, it felt as if I was actually spinning. My vision was even getting blurry.

"Scar," I turned around to face Carl one last time, you could see his gaze soften as I looked into his somewhat blurry eyes. "I love you." He mumbled placing a hand on the glass, my heart skipped a beat after he said that, it was a little surprising actually hearing someone saying something like that to me. I actually felt for just a little while that I wasn't dying from this terrible sickness.

"I- I love you too." I stated with a smile, he smiled back a little redness in his cheeks.

I then walked, or crawled back to my cell to get a little more shut eye, it would be rough though, these cough attacks suck.

A few hours later and I still was not asleep, when Hershel walked in with some food. I sat up looking at him curiously at what he was doing with only three crackers I his hand. "Scarlet, Rick just returned with some more food." He paused. "Carl wanted me to give you these." I smiled, taking the few crackers that Carl had saved for me setting them softly next to me laying in the bed, it was the closest thing to Carl I have at the moment.

"Thanks Hershel." I mumbled facing the wall, hearing him moving around behind me.

"Scarlet, I know I haven't known you very long, but you're a part of this family. I really need you to stay strong. It wouldn't be the same without you here." I couldn't help but feel a little sad over everything that has happened.

"Awe." I say softly, I then began to feel like I was going to cough again so I grabbed my small towel placing over my mouth as the blood splattered onto it. "Thanks Hershel." I said thankful, yet grossed out. He simply nodded then left me alone in my cell, again.

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