Chapter 15

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Season 4 Episode 15(Us);

"Scarlet, we have to keep moving." Michonne told me.

I simply nodded, not saying anything, I didn't know what to say so why say anything at all.

I stood up with some of Michonne's help, we began walking towards the train tracks. I walked right behind Rick but in front of Carl, Michonne, Lidia, and Kole.

We walked for a while in the dreadful heat, I tell yeah the walkers should be burned to death by this heat.

"I think we got about a days' worth of water left. We're lucky it's cooled off a little bit but," Rick turned around facing us, I realized he wasn't looking at me, he was looking behind me.

I turned around myself seeing Michonne and Carl walking on the edge of the train tracks.

"What are you doing?" Rick asked them.

I felt a little awkward because me and Lidia weren't doing anything.

I then realized Kole wasn't with us anymore.

"Winning a bet." Carl said happily.

"In your dreams!" Michonne said right after Carl.

"I'm still on!" Carl said defensive, after almost falling off.

I chuckled to myself, I really do miss talking to him.

Michonne laughed one of those evil laughs, "spoke to soon wise guy." She said a smile spread across her face.

"This might go on a while, maybe we can speed this up?" Rick asked walking past me and in the middle of his son and Michonne.

"Yeah your right, shouldn't be fooling around." Michonne said, sounding like she was out of breath.

"We should probably," she paused "go!" She yelled cause Carl to wobble but Michonne then fell off the tracks giving Carl the victory.

"I win," Carl held out his hand. "Pay up."

Michonne sighed reaching behind her grabbing her bag pulling it in front of her pulling out a Cruncho, and a BigCat.

"Is that really the last BigCat?" Carl asked.

Carl reached his hand out for the BigCat.

"Oh come on," Michonne whined.

Carl smiled then looked over at me, at that time I had a slight smile. But once he looked at me, I dropped it. I don't want anything to do with him.

"Go ahead, take it, it's yours." Michonne said throwing the other candy bar in her bag, a little sad. "You won it, fair and square."

Carl then split the candy bar in half and handed the other half to Michonne.

"Come on, we always share." Carl said.

She smiled and looked at me then to Lidia. She leaned over and whispered something in his ear. A thing of shock spread across his face, he looked over at Lidia.

I knew exactly what was going on, she told Carl to give the other half of the candy bar to Lidia.

He doesn't need me, or want me.

I turned around, and began walking on the railroad again.

"Scarlet." Someone mumbled.

I turned around seeing the handsome boy wearing the sheriff hat walking towards me.

I crossed my arms, still holding my injured one and kept walking.

"Scarlet, stop." He said, but I didn't, I kept walking.

After a while of him following me down the railroad tracks, he caught up grabbing on to one of my shoulder whipping me around facing him.

"Here." He said handing me the other piece of the BigCat candy bar.

I smiled to myself, a little laugh came out. I felt so dumb for thinking that he would chose Lidia over me.

"I want you to take it." I nodded taking the small piece out of his hand putting it in my jacket pocket.

"I miss your voice." He said almost in a whisper.

"I missed yours too." I smiled a bit, we continued walking as we spoke.

"So, Lidia." I said a little hurt.

"An Ex-girlfriend from before the apocalypse." He explained.

"Do you still like her?" I asked looking at the tracks then to Carl.

He opened his mouth to speak but before he could say anything, Rick spoke.

"We'll make camp over here in the woods." He explained weekly pointing towards the trees.

We walked into the woods and began to set up camp, which was a fire, barbed wire wrapped around the trees so when we slept the walkers couldn't attack, and empty cans to wake us if there are any walkers.

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