Chapter 8

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Season 4 Episode 8(Too Far Gone);

•Scarlets P.O.V•

I woke up, this time, not feeling as safe as I did when I first arrived at the prison.

I turned around in the bed facing Carl, stroking his cheek softly.

"Morning beautiful." he said groggy.

"Morning," I said slightly laughing.

"How did you sleep?" He asked me. I smiled.

"Okay, scared, but okay." I admit.

"Don't worry, I won't let him hurt you, or even touch him in any way." He said protectively.

"Thank you, I said, kissing his cheek.

"Well, we better get up and help out. Are you sure you're going to be okay?" Carl asked climbing over me.

"I'll be okay," I said, getting up once he got out from the bottom bunk. "As long as I can stay with you..." He nodded. When we walked out of the cell we ran straight into Rick and Daryl's conversation.

"What's going on?" Carl asked them.

"Carol, she killed Karen and David. She isn't here anymore." Daryl said out of anger.

"What did you want me to do? Have Tyreese find out, and kill her?" Rick asked calmly. "We don't know how he's going to take it." Rick finished.

"Let's find out." Daryl said, walking down the stairs Rick right behind him.

"Let's go outside..." Carl said.

I followed, as we exited the prison and out to the courtyard.

When BAM! A tank fired at the prison, we ran to the fence. Me, Carl, Bob, Tyreese, Sasha, Maggie, Daryl, Rick and Beth.

"Rick, come down here. We need to talk." A man standing on the tank yelled. This must be the governor that Carl told me about.

"It's not up to me," Rick yelled. I grabbed Carl's hand right away scared that something bad might happen. "There is a consul now, they run this place." He said firmly. He turned and looked at me and Carl then back to the Governor.

"Hershel on the consul?" He asked. My heart stopped as a female pulled the tied up Hershel out of one of their cars and kneeled him in the ground close to the fence.

"What about Michonne?" He asked, I squeezed Carl's hand a little as they did the same to her. "She on the consul, too?" He asked cocky.

"I don't make decisions anymore!" Rick yelled

"You're making the decisions today Rick." The governor said eyeing all of us. "Come down here and lets." He paused "let's have that talk." Fear spread across my body.

I watched as Hershel and Michonne pleaded with their eyes.

I looked back up at Rick. He gave Daryl a questionable face, he nodded

Then he walked over to me and Carl, grabbing Carl's neck, He nodded to his dad.

Rick then looked at me, I nodded as well.

We all watched as Rick walked closer, and closer to the governor.

We all formed a group by Daryl but trying not to make it too obvious.

"We can't take them all on, go through the attic and build through the woods like we planned." He paused looking around at the group by the fence. I mentally nodded. "We ain't got the numbers no more." He looked at the bus then to the people. "When's the last time someone checked the stash on the bus?" He asked Sasha.

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