Chapter 13

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Season 4 Episode 13(Alone);

Carl's P.O.V

"No, no, that's not what I meant." Michonne said with a smile.

I laughed at her weirdness.

"Shouldn't Scarlet be back by now?" I asked standing up facing the woods.

"Stop worrying, she seems like a tough cookie." Kole said sharpening his knife.

I laughed a bit. "Tough cookie?" I asked facing him.

"Yea, you know them burnt cookies, that's what I'm referring too." He said laughing at his response.

"I guess you're right." I smiled sitting next to Kole.

"How old are you?" I asked, realizing I still know nothing about him.

"14." He answered not looking up from his knife.

"I'm older then you?" I asked smiling raising an eyebrow.

"I guess you are." He said setting his knife down.

"Hey quiet!" My dad said standing up from his sitting position.

"What is it Rick?" Michonne asked standing up as well.

"I thought I heard something." My father said sitting back down on the ground,

We all listened, but we heard nothing, until a piercing scream echoed across the forest.

I stood up, "That sounded like Scarlet!" I said not completely sure.

"Help!" A Female voice called.

"That's Scarlet!" I yelled running into the woods loading my gun.

I ran through the woods, rushing past each branch and tree in the path way.

Once I was in front of Scarlet, she wasn't screaming anymore. And it seems as if she was being attacked by a Walker, but the Walker was dead, and Scarlet wasn't alone, there was another girl. About mine and Scarlets age.

"Are you okay Scar?" I asked walking over to her helping her up from the ground.

"Y-yea, the branch snapped and I fell backwards hurting my arm. I was really hurt, then a Walker came and tried to attack me, it was on top of me, when she killed it." Scarlet said a little shaken but looking from me then to the girl.

I stood up. Scarlet, still suffering from shock. I then walked over to the female.

"Thank you, for helping Scarlet." I said as she turned facing me.

"Lidia, is it really you?" I asked frozen in place.

"Carl?!" She screamed throwing her arms around my neck, crashing her lips into mine.

I stand frozen, obviously not kissing back.

Once she pulled away, I looked straight over at Scarlet, I could see the tears in her eyes. She tried to smile but I could tell it wasn't real.

"Scarlet, it's not-" I tried to say before Scarlet interrupted me.

"No Carl, it's fine. I understand." She said walking away towards 'camp' holding her arm.

"Scarlet!" I yelled a bit.

"Carl, just stop! I understand!" She yelled the tears falling freely now.

"Scar." I said trailing off walking towards her.

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