Chapter 11

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Season 4 Episode 11(Claimed);

We waited for a while as Kole stitched Rick up.

After a while of waiting, Rick finally came out. He wasn't as good, but he looked better than he did beforehand.

"I'm going to head to the kitchen." Carl whispered pointing his thumb behind him towards the kitchen door.

"Okay, I'll be there is a bit." I exclaimed.

Carl then nodded and went to the kitchen, soon after the new guy Kole came out of the room.

Okay so what I am planning on doing is talking to him, figuring him out, finding out his story, and making sure he isn't a threat.

"Hey," I said putting my hands on my hips, my right hand connected to my knife.

"Hi," he said standing in the doorway.

"Who are you?" I asked with a confused expression. "Why did you kill Josh?"

"Whoa, why so many questions?" He asked with a slight giggle afterwards.

"I need to make sure you aren't a threat!" I said pulling my knife out connecting it directly to his neck not pressing hard enough to draw blood though.

He put his hands up in defense. "I, I killed him because I thought he was a walker!" He said, his voice rising.

"Is that all?" I asked still clutching the knife.

"Yes, yes!" He yelled.

I then took the knife from his neck putting it back in its halter. "If you hurt anyone here, or out there," I paused "that's isn't a threat, I will be the first. To kill you." I showed no emotion in my expression.

He simply nodded. I nodded back then turned around making my way to the kitchen.

"Carl and Michonne went on a run, should be back soon." Rick said exhausted.

"Alright," I picked up my gun from my bed in the corner. "I'm going to go on a run on my own then." I said putting my gun in its pouch.

"Alone?" Rick asked kind of worried.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." I then walked to the door. "Be back soon!" I yelled to Rick.

I then exited the door, I wasn't going on a run. Oh no, I was going to the woods. When I was on my own, the woods kept me at peace. Since all this Carl drama, I really needed to get away.

I walked into the woods, luckily not needing to use my weapons on any walkers.

I climbed one of the trees sitting on one of the low branches just thinking, listening to the sounds around. The birds, the bugs, the wind.

After a while I jumped down, bending my knees so my legs wouldn't break.

I began my walk to the house, when I heard someone yell my name.

"Scarlet!" A familiar voice yelled.

I looked around, not seeing anyone at first but then, Rick, Michoone, Carl, and Kole.

"Scarlet, come on we got to go!" Carl yelled almost in a whisper, I quickly rushed over to them.

"Where are we going?" I asked them as we continued walking.

It was silence, and I knew why, we didn't know where we were going.

"I don't know." Rick finally answered as we stepped on a thing of railroad tracks.

"Hey what's that?" Kole asked referring to a sign that said 'Sanctuary for All, Community for All, Those Who Arrive Survive.' And underneath a map that said TERMINUS

"What do you think?" Michonne asked Rick.

None of us said anything, we now knew where to go, we were heading to Terminus.

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