Chapter 21

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Season 5 Episode 5(Self Help);

I stood up from my 'bed' which was just a sheet on the ground that was no better than laying on the cold ground.

"Where do you think you're going?" I heard, I turned my head seeing Michonne was also up.

"To find her." I said loading my gun and making sure my pocket knife was ready if needed, also fixing my hat.

"Don't think I'm going to let you go alone." She said standing beside me.

"Michonne, you can't come with me." I said irritated.

"And who's going to stop me?" She asked, I just rolled my eyes and headed towards the doors making our way towards the woods that Scarlet ran into.

•Scarlets P.O.V•

I kept my head lowered, walking towards a small shack.

"Why are you helping me?" I asked as we walked into the doors.

"Because I know a broken soul when I see one."

Just then two men came and pinned me to the wall.

"What are you doing?!" I yelled completely terrified, scared for the worse.

"You see, me and my team are a group of scientists." He paused, "James!" He yelled them a walker came out chains hanging from its neck another man holding it back. "This skin eater is going to rip you up, and we are going to watch to see if we can find anything out." He finished putting a slight dirty white lab coat on.

"But why me!" I screamed.

"Oh, it's because when I saw you broken an all alone. I knew you weren't going to make it, so why not end your life with science!"

"Please, please no!" I yelled as the men let the Walker fall into a dirt ditch then pushing me in.

Carl's P.O.V

"Did you hear that?" Michonne asked pulling her katana out of its case.

"It sounded like a-" I cut myself off running towards the wood shack that was in my view, Michonne must have known what I was thinking because she was directly behind me.

I kicked the door in, surprisingly it actually worked.

"Scarlet?!" I yelled seeing a few men in lab coats then a walker trying to rip apart a small girl.

I sent a bullet flying then jumped into the ditch, Scarlet was bit, not just once but multiple times.

"Scarlet!" I yelled pulling her small into mine.

"Carl- I need, you to kill me." She said making it sound as if she can't breathe.

"No, Scarlet. You're going to make it through this." She then handed me her knife out of the dirt.

"Carl, I can't be one of them!" She said crying.

"Alright..." I said taking the knife from her hand. I single tear escaped my eye, I then felt her soft touch run across my cheek.

"Carl, I saw you and Lidia..."

"No! That was Kole and Lidia, it wasn't me. I was with Judith..." I mumbled.

"Oh, thank god..." She said softly, I leaned closer kissing her forehead. "Carl... I lov-"

The heat in her body then faded, she was turning.

"Carl, you have to now or she's going to change." She said worriedly.

"I know," I then began crying then stabbed her in the head. She won't turn, she won't come back. Scarlet is gone.

I carried her lifeless body out of the dirty ditch.

"Who the hell are you!" A man yelled.

I then took my gun shooting each man in that room the was watching my Scarlet being ripped apart.

We walked through the woods, me still carrying her body.

Once we got to the church I set her small figure on the side of the porch. Walking into the church grabbing my sheet and a shovel.

I then walked out beginning the hard labor of digging a hole, once I was finished I wrapped her body in the sheet and jumped into the hole setting her down gently.

I then climbed out covering her with the cold dirt.

Scarlet is gone.


I then placed a cross on top of her grave.

"I love you more than anything Scar...." I said kneeling and crying into my hands.

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