Chapter 1

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Season 4 Episode 1 (30 Days Without An Accident);

I walk, or more like limp through the woods. I've been looking for this special place for a while now, I mean ever since I heard the gunshots. I don't know exactly what it is, but whatever it was, or wherever it was. I hope it is safe. I need some place. I've been on my own for a few months now, but it feels like it's been forever.

I continue limping when I heard the familiar moaning from a Walker getting louder, and what sounded as if the banging of fences? I followed the sound, peeking around the trees and through the bushes when It finally came into my view. The safe house, the place that fired the guns.

The prison.

I tried to walk closer, but every time I took a step my thighs would cramp.

I then noticed a few people stabbing some of the Walkers that were close to the fence. I wanted to yell, but I felt something grab onto my shoulder.

I quickly turned around facing one of the worst things possible. A Walker. I quickly pushed it away with a slight scream, it wasn't pretty loud though since I'm so tired and all. Witch attracted more, again I was surrounded. I still had my bow and my pocket knife, but I was too weak, I couldn't get the strength to grab either of them, I've been walking since I left The Sp!t which counts as pushing my limits again, also which isn't good in this hell of a world.

"There's a girl out there!" A female called from by the fence.

I pushed as many walkers away as I could, but they just kept coming and coming when I heard the sound of gunshots and a Walker that was behind me fell to the ground.

"Run!" A man with dark brown hair said, continuing to shoot any Walker that came close to me, he ran along the fence stopping to firing at any thing that could be a threat to me while I ran toward the gate.

"Open the gate!" I tried to yell, but before I could reach the gate, I felt my legs giving out. My knees buckled and eventually making me fall to the ground. My legs finally giving out. I crashed now lying on the ground as a Walker began to crawl on top of me. I wasn't able to push the guy off, I was so weak, so tired, I knew the end was near.

I squeezed my eyes shut ready to feel its teeth sink into my shoulder when I felt all the weight of the Walker lifted up off my body. I opened my eyes a bit to see that the brown haired man had saved me from the beast, he picked me up dodging any Walker that was in his path, carrying me bridal style through the gates.

The man laid me in the grass not exactly in the prison. I could barely keep my eyes open, they kept getting heavier, sleep welcoming me in, and eventually I passed out still laying in the grass, many people starring down at me as if I was helpless, and I was.


When I woke up, I wasn't lying in the grass anymore. I couldn't tell where my exact location is, but I most likely was in the prison.

I quickly sat up, I practically got a head rush form my actions, I immediately grabbed my head wincing in pain, a older looking man with white hair looked over at me sitting on a stool beside the bed that I was laying in. I didn't even realize he was sitting there.

"Whoa, whoa, it's okay." He paused touching my forearm. "You're safe." I relaxed a little realizing he was trying to help me. "I just got done examining you." He paused, turning around to set something down, then turned towards me once again. "You got pretty beat up, what happened?" He asked.

He seemed trustworthy by his actions, so I began to speak. "I was at o-one of the stores not to far from here, I-I think it was called Big Sp!t, anyways I got s-surrounded by some walkers. They got really close, I-I had to fight my way out. I killed about everyone of them Skin Eaters," I paused to examine his expression as I spoke again. "I have actually been looking for this place for a while.." I said trailing off a bit. Positioning myself so I wasn't so uncomfortable.

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