Chapter 17

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Season 5 Episode 1(No Sanctuary);

I pulled off my sweater now only wearing a dirty dark blue t-shirt ripping the zipper off slowly trying not to make a sound.

Once the zipper was removed from my jacket I began to slide the zipper down a piece of wood, Slowly, the zipper press's hard against my skin.

"There's four of them pricks coming our way." Daryl said looking out of the crack of the door.

I then pulled the zipper out of the wood placing it in my jeans front pocket.

"You all know what to do," Rick said walking to the other side of the cart. "Go for their eyes first, then their throats."

We all stand in position, me slightly behind Carl.

"Put your back to the walls on either end of the car, Now!" A man from outside yelled.

We all stayed in position, waiting for them to come in.

When the top of the cart opened. Then something was dropped in, I tried to see what it was before, "Move!" Abraham yelled.

We all ran towards the back of the carts me separating from Carl.

Smoke was everywhere.

I began to cough when the doors of the cart opened.

Once I opened my eyes, I was thrown against the ground.

I blacked out.

Everything black, that's it.

I tried to open my eyes again and once I did I saw people, cutting up other people, I looked to my sides. I was the only girl between Rick, Daryl, Glenn, Bob, and Me.

I kept looking around when something caught my eye, right next to Glenn I saw someone quiet familiar. Kole.

We were all zip tied up with cloths around our heads so we couldn't talk, couldn't scream, and pressed up against a metal sink. Then a hot breath hit my back.

"Trying to escape I see." The man said ripping the zipper out of my pocket.

A tear escaped my eyes, I didn't see Carl.

Then a man wearing a bloody apron began walking towards the line sharpening his huge knife.

"Alright." He said then walked to a small blond guy, one guy hit him in the back of the head with a bat. The next, slit his neck open causing him to bleed out.

A few strangers began squirming. When the two men moved on to the next one, knocking him out, then slitting his throat.

I think I'm going to be sick.

I tried not to look as the two men killed these people.

"Hey guys, what was your shot counts?" Garret said walking in holding a book with a pencil.

"38." One of them men said, another dead guy bleeding out, the blood seeping into the sink drain.

Now Kole was up, I squeezed my eyes shut tight, I couldn't watch any of my people die, not like this.

"Hey!" Garret said, I opened one eye to see Kole was still alive, still breathing. "Your shot count?" He asked the other man.

"Crap man, I'm sorry, it was my first round up." The man said.

"After you're done here, go to your point and count the shells." Garret said kind of irritated. "Cailey won't be gathering them tell tomorrow." He began to write in his book.

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