Chapter 2

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Season 4 Episode 2 (Infected);

After getting out of bed I headed outside to just sit and think About everything. I really wasn't too sure if I wanted to stay here, yea, it's safe, but for how long? How long until the Walkers knock down the fences and take over the place. I'm sure I'll be able to manage on my own, but I'm finally safe.

I then noticed Carl and Rick in the pig pen feeding the pigs when gunshots went off in the prison. I quickly sprung to my feet making my way towards the prison already aiming my arrow ready to shoot any threat. I then heard a shot behind me coming from the gates, but I couldn't turn around I was frozen in place. My emotions taking over me, I wasn't in control anymore.

"Scarlet?!" Carl yelled after helping a black women inside the gates. I just stood frozen in my tracks my arrow loaded facing the prison. "Scarlet, what's going on in there?" He asked, walking closer to me, leaving the brown haired women with the black women.

I couldn't move, I couldn't speak. I lowered my bow dropping it to the ground covering my face with my hands kneeling. "Walkers- in Cell Block D." I manage to say, I managed to hear the moans coming form that side of the prison, I put two an two together and that's the only conclusion. I literally just got here an everything is spiraling downwards.

"Carl, Did I do this? Am I killing everyone?" I asked, looking up at him with tears stained on my cheeks. He kneeled down next to me. "No, you didn't. We don't know how this started, but I do know for sure it had nothing to do with you." He said wiping a fallen tear off my cheek gently with his thumb.

"Carl, bring her with you an get in the tower!" The brown haired women called.

"Alright Maggie," he called to her. "Come on we gotta keep you safe." He said helping me up, off the ground. I picked up my bow and arrow that laid on the ground an followed him to the tower.

We didn't quit make it to the tower when Rick came walking out with blood on his hands. "Hey you might wanna stay back." He told us when Carl ran up to him wrapping his arms around his waist.

"Carl." He managed to say before Carl was wrapped in his arms as well. "Dad I'm sorry, I didn't see you come out." Carl said into his dad's arms. "It's okay I'm here, I'm fine." Rick said hugging Carl back. "Back away." Rick said pushing Carl a little ways from the prison. "I used one of the guns by the gate, I swear I didn't want to." Carl told his dad.

Rick looked a little disappointed. "I was coming back, I fell, they came out an helped me." The black women said to Rick defending Carl. I was silent for a bit before Maggie spoke up.

"Michonne-" Rick started, I figured out that must be the black women's name, but Rick was cut off by Maggie.

"What happened in there?" She asked, holding Michonne up. We all looked at Rick waiting for an answer. "Patrick got sick last night, some kind of flu. Moves fast, we think he died and attacked the cell block." He then kneeled by Carl. "Look, I know-I know He was your friend, and I'm sorry, he was a good kid. We lost a lot of good people." Carl looked down at the ground, I quickly went up to him, pulling him into my arms, trying my best to comfort him, Patrick and Carl were the first two kids my age I met when I got here.

Now Patrick's gone.

As Carl and I were hugging Rick began to talk to Maggie. "Glenn and your Dad are okay, but-but they were in there, you shouldn't get too close to anyone that might of been exposed. At least for a little while." Rick said to all of us. Carl and I then ran over to Michonne and Maggie. "Carl," Carl turned towards Rick. "All of you." Rick finally said we then took Michonne into cell block C to tend to her ankle that must of got hurt.

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