Chapter 19

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Season 5 Episode 3(Four Walls One Roof);

"The lord finally sent you here to punish me." Gabriel said.

I quickly opened my eyes sitting up from where I was laying seeing almost the whole group gathered around Gabriel.

I walked over sitting by Carl as Gabriel fell to the ground crying,

"I'm damned, I was damned before. I always locked the doors, I always lock the doors..." He said finally breaking. The priest, broke.

"There is someone outside lying in the grass." Glenn said, wait who is missing? I looked around everyone was here, everyone, except Bob.

I quickly ran after Sasha outside, seeing Bob lay on the, but, he only has one leg.

"Bob!" She yelled as walkers moaned around the church.

"Oh, his leg." I said looking down at him a little disgusted at the sight.

"Get Bob inside we'll take care of him!" Glenn yelled, Glenn then took a few walkers out.

"Will you help me? Help me!" Sasha said holding Bob up.

I quickly went to her aid helping her lift Bob up, same with Maggie bringing him in.

"Get inside! Go!" Rick yelled shooting nothing in particular.

We laid the unconscious Bob on the ground of the church as he began to come back.

"Bob what happened?" Kole asked.

"I was in the graveyard; I woke up outside this place. It looked like a Like a school, it was that guy, Garrett and five other ones they were wee eating my leg right in front of me, like it was nothing." I covered my mouth a few tears poking at my eyes listening to his story.

"All proud, like they had it all figured out." Bob finished.

"Did they have Daryl and Carol?" Rick asked, I quickly scoped the room realizing they weren't here either, must if left while I was sleeping or something.

"Garett said the drove them off." Bob said leaning up groaning from the pain in his leg.

"He's in pain, do we have anything?" Sasha asked.

"I think there were pill packets in the first aid kit." Rositia answers.

Sasha nodded to Rositia, before Bob spoke "Save them."

"No.." Sasha said upset.

"Really," Bob said sitting up with some of Maggie's help. he then pulled his shirt down revealing a bite, a walker bite. Bob was bite.

"It happened at the food bank." Bob said as Sasha stared in shock.

"It's okay," Sasha said helping him lay back down, I quickly stood up walking to the back of the church. I couldn't deal with this, not again, first mom, then dad, now Bob, please no one else.

"Time for a reality check, we all need to leave to Dc right now." Abraham said standing in front of Michonne, Maggie, Glenn, and Rick.

I turned to look at them then fell to the corner slowly, silently crying, I didn't really know Bob. But it's as if everyone I meet, or see, gets bit.

Screaming, that's all I heard between Abraham and Rick. I covered my ears trying to distract the noise when a pair of hands grabbed my forearms pulling me up and into another room. I wiped the fallen tears to see Carl standing there worriedly.

I practically jumped into his arms crying into his shoulder.

I let everything out, every tear had something to with this stupid apocalypse, mom dying, Josh, dad dying, my group leaving, being on my own, Patrick, Karen, Davied, Beth being missing. Everything.

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