Chapter 16: Last days in LA

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Derek POV

Getting ready and preparing for this move to New York has been overwhelming; the planning, packing, and making sure I don’t forget anything. Luckily Bethany had a few free days to come down to LA and spend some time with me and keep me sane through all the chaos. Even though we’d be mainly held up in the apartment, it actually could work out for the best. We would be able to avoid being seen in public, I’d have some company while I pack and she would be able to edit on some videos; but most importantly, we’d have a chance to spend time together.

It was tough spending the holidays apart but we were able to find time to call and Facetime everyday. We even had embarrassingly become that couple that falls asleep with the laptop on the bed and the webcam still on so we could kinda get that feeling of falling asleep and waking up with the person right next to you even though they aren’t really there.

However, as more and more absurd tabloid stories were going around suggesting that I was involved with Kate Hudson or this mystery brunette in St. Barts, I could see that Bethany was slightly affected. Even though she said she understood the media can take a story and run with it, I could feel that her guard was starting to build back up. After a few missed Facetime calls, I knew I had to see her in person to talk about it. So I booked her on the first flight down to LA when her schedule freed up.

As I parked my car at the airport and was getting ready to meet Bethany by the baggage claim area, she called and said that there were a lot of fans around and she didn’t want to make a scene so she would just meet me by the car. I walked out to the entrance of the parking lot so she would easily find me and I spotted her across the way talking with some fans.

I texted her: Babe, I don’t know how much longer I can stand here and wait before I come down there and wrap you in my arms… I see you didn’t pack lightly for this trip. Does that mean I can hope you and that large suitcase are joining me in New York?

I see her look up to search for me and smile as we make eye contact. She finishes taking a picture with the last fan and makes her way towards me. I smile with such delight as she rushes into my arms. I pick her up and kiss the side of her neck.

I whisper, “I’ve missed you.”

I feel her hands stroke the back of my neck and the base of my hair. She lightly kisses me behind my ear and pulls away from my embrace. Not wanting to let go of her just yet, I kept my hands on her waist as her thumb runs over the bottom of my lip. She gazed into my eyes but I could tell she had something on her mind and I just couldn’t read her. I move my hand to caress the side of her face, searching for some insight and ask, “Baby, what’s on your mind?”

She quickly answers, “It’s nothing. I just miss this.” She politely smiles and reaches up to give me a short kiss. It felt different, I’m not going to lie. She smiles, intertwines her hand with mine and without saying a word starts to walk in search of my car.

As we get into the car and I start the engine, I reach over to the passenger side to hold her hand. I could see her eyes close with such emotion as our hands intertwined. She finally looks over to me as I move her hand towards my lips to kiss. I hear her sigh and see her genuinely smile. I held her hand over my chest as I drove home.

As we arrived, I grabbed her bag and wrapped my arms around her as we headed up the stairs. “Do you want to change into something more comfortable,” I asked.

She nodded yes and we both headed to my bedroom. I excused myself to give her some privacy and fix some dinner downstairs. I settled on the couch as she walked downstairs in some knee high socks and an oversized flannel t-shirt. She sat down next to me, pulled her knees up to her chest and cozied up into my side. With my arm wrapped around her shoulder and stroking her hair, I kissed the top of her head and asked, “Ready to talk?”

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