Chapter 35: Kissing in the rain and starry nights...

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Bethany POV

As I was sitting down with my feet dangling off the side of the docks, I could hear the distant footsteps coming closer towards me.

"Babe, are you sure you don't want to head inside? You must be exhausted from the traveling and it's getting a little bit chilly," he says.

I sassily answer, "Don't waste your breathe, you are not going to get me to miss seeing these night skies light up with the stars. Your mom already tried. So, just sit down right here beside me, keep me warm, and enjoy this night with me. Pretty please?"

I pout my lips knowing there was no way he could resist. So when I felt him lower himself to take a seat behind me with his legs around mine, I couldn't help but smile.

He breaks the silence saying, "Oh, wipe that smile off of your face, Babe. You think your pouty face worked on me but I already knew I wouldn't be able to change your mind and I didn't want to miss out on the night sky either."

I playfully slap his arm and exclaim, "Babe!"

He laughs into my ear and sweetly kisses my neck. Wrapping his arms around me and settling his hands on my ever-growing stomach, he whispers, "Gawd, I've missed you and this little one in there. Can't believe how much he has grown in there."

I correct him, "Derek, he..."

He laughs and says, "He or she... how it has grown inside of you."

"Don't call the baby an it," I scoff and lower my head to whisper to my belly, "Little one in there, I know you're a girl... so start working on rolling your eyes and giving your Papa a little sass."

"Oh look who's talking now... little girl?!?," he lowers down to whisper, "Baby, please be a boy because I am going to need your help in keeping your little sisters in line and away from the all of the clamoring boys in the future."

In shock, I exclaim, "Sistersssss, as in plural? How many babies are you planning to put in me, Derek?"

He cocks his head back and smiles, "I mean... we'll see."

"Derek!" I screamed with a tone of warning as I shook my head. "So, have you given any more thought about finding out exactly what it is?"

"Can't wait any longer, can you?" he smugly asks.

With sass, I respond, "As if you can?"

He intertwines his hands with mine and counters, "Well... have you?"

My eyes start to droop as I admit, "A couple more months to find out is long time."

He says, "I for sure can't wait any longer, it's killing me not knowing. What would you think if we make our baby shower next week a gender reveal party?"

Before he could even finish that last word, I blurt out, "YES!!!!"

He busts out laughing and I can't help but join in.

With perfect timing, my face lights up with surprise as I felt our little one kick. I quickly move Derek's hand to that spot and say, "Looks like someone didn't want to be left out from all of the fun."

"Oh my gawd, is that the baby?" he excitedly states and lets out a loud laugh in complete disbelief.

I laugh and nod, "Yea."

He jumps up and yells, "What?!?!?! That's the baby kicking?"

I stand up as well to try to settle him down, "Yea, Babe."

He settles down to place both hands on my belly, "What? Is this the first time you felt it?"

"Sort of, over the last few weeks, I have definitely felt the baby move around more but definitely not to this extent," I pause, "maybe he or she just wanted to wait for the right moment when their dad was here."

"B, ohmigawd. This is amazing," he says beamingly. He moves one of his hand to caress the side of my face and just looks at me with so much love in his eyes but there was something more.

I let out a small giggle in bewilderment, "Babe, what? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I can't explain it. I'm just so happy, you don't even know."

"Baby," I gently kiss him and then snuggle right into his chest as he pulls me in close.

I feel his hand drop from behind my back and reach for his pocket as he whispers, "Bethany, I love you so much..."

I hear his voice crack a little, I quickly follow, "Babe, I love you too." I rise up to my tippy toes to kiss him as rain starts to fall.

We both look up towards the starry sky and just soak in this moment. Rather then scurrying away to find shelter, we both crazily dance in the rain laughing and just having fun like complete idiots. The mood definitely changed as Derek pulled me into his arms and slowly swayed back and forth. I swear there was something different in his eyes when he looks at me.

He takes both of his hands to cup my face and we slowly start making out in the rain. As the rain started to pour down harder and thunder started to rumble the skies, Derek and I quickly headed towards the house to escape. Everyone gathered around the living room watching a movie quickly shushes our laughter as we walked in. Like teenagers about to get in trouble, we tried to tiptoe our way upstairs towards the bedroom.

We overhear Derek's mom begins to scold us, "The two of you are going to come down with a cold being out in the rain like this. Get out of those wet clothes and warm up by the fire immediately.

Derek yells back down, "Yes, Mom."

As soon as we got to the bathroom, I stripped down and stepped into the shower. I was slightly startled by the sound of Derek not too far behind me.

"What do you think you are doing?" I ask with a smirk. "You're entire family is awake and just downstairs."

He steps into the shower as well and answers, "Just think of this as practice."

"Practice what exactly?" I ask.

He smirks and answers, "With the baby coming, it is going to be nearly impossible for us to find quality time together. So, I figured with all of the family downstairs, we could practice how to spend quality time together quickly and quietly."

I raise my eyebrows and say, "Oh, is that so?"

With a simple nod, he takes a step closer and starts to kiss me. He swiftly picks me up and I wrap my legs around him. I slowly lower myself onto him as he pushes my back right up against the tiles of the shower.

With the water slowly trickling down our bodies, I bite my lip and inbetween his kisses, I add, "Baby, the 'quietly' part we can definitely work on but I am pretty sure you have that 'quickly' part down pack."

"Oh, you got jokes now?" he slyly replies. I laugh and slightly stick out my tongue but he continues, "Don't try to hide it, you don't seem to mind. Seems to me that you quite enjoy it actually."

I exclaim, "Derek Hough!"

He raises his eyebrows and shifts his head confidently knowing he is right and I can't come up with a good comeback. But before he could revel in his win, we are interrupted with a knock on the bathroom door. We quickly quiet ourselves to ease the embarrassment trying to pretend that we both weren't in here doing exactly what we are exactly doing.

We hear Jules' voice coming through the other side of the door saying, "Look even if you don't answer me, I know you are both inside there, so don't even deny it. I don't even want to know what is going on in there, I just wanted to stop by to tell you that we are making smores by the fireplace downstairs. So just... clean up before you guys come down."

And with that last sentence, Derek and I just couldn't keep the laughter in.

We hear Jules add, "You know what... on second thought... just stay up here the rest of the night. You two have absolutely no shame... There are children in the house for goodness sakes. I won't be able to look at either one of you without flashes of whatever the dirty things that are going on behind those closed doors. So for the sake of everyone downstairs, let's just call it a night."

In unison, Derek and I reply back, "Goodnight Jules."

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