Chapter 27: You and Me... and baby...makes three?

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Thank you so much for the continuing support. The 14k reads is just mind blowing. I can't thank you guys enough for inspiring me to keep writing and keeping my Motough ship sailing. Thank you for your patience with me even though it takes me forever to formulate what I want to write and how I wnt to tell this story. I hope I can continue to keep you guys entertained. Special shoutout to Facelesswonder for always reminding me to stick to my gut. Thank you all so much, xoxo Kailiana

Derek POV

Pacing back and forth. Up and down these hospital hallways, I couldn't sit still. My mind was running a mile a minute trying to make sense of everything. Pregnant... Bethany's pregnant?

Why didn't she tell me? How did I not see this coming? How could I have not known?

How could I have been so careless?

Nineteen. Nineteen and her entire life ahead of her. Nineteen and her entire promising career ahead of her. She is a role model for all of these young girls out there. She represents everything about how youth, confidence and drive can get you to accomplish everything and anything you could ever dream of. And I took that away from her.

I failed her. I was supposed to protect her and be there to encourage her as she set out all of these amazing opportunities for her career and her life; yet, I single-handedly managed to unintentionally take it all away by wanting to be in a serious relationship with her, by forcing her to mature and act beyond her age... and by getting her pregnant.

She must be so scared.

I wasn't there for her when she first found out. I wasn't there to reassure her that everything will be okay. I was so caught up in my own world that she didn't even get the chance to tell me. How could I have been so selfish? I put all of my energy and focus into the New York Spring Spectacular and DWTS with Nastia, that I didn't even notice anything different and that Bethany was going through something like this during the little time that we had together.

I know Beth. Throughout DWTS, there wasn't an emotion, doubt or thought running through her mind that I wasn't able to pick up on just by looking at her. We just got each other so quickly. We were able to read each other's mind and pick up on subtle cues that people we've known our entire lives would miss. But how did I miss this?

That's when it occurred to me, opening night of the New York Spring Spectacular. That morning after we spent the night together, she had wanted to talk and I stupidly gave her this whole spiel about wanting to keep things casual. I put my foot in my mouth and kept rambling on about how we should take things slow and have fun. To not have to live up to any expectations, commitments and responsibilities. For her to hear that just as she was probably about to confess that she's pregnant, wow... could I have been any more of a jerk.

I raise my hands to my head and take a seat in the waiting room. What is taking the doctors so long to update me on what is going on? For them to tell me how Bethany is doing... how the baby is doing? My gawd, there's a baby. My baby is having my baby.

Although I am so scared of the circumstances that surround the timing of her getting pregnant for her sake, a part of me is so happy that she would be the mother of my first child. Since the moment I met Bethany, I knew that she was the one. The one that I would want to spend the rest of my life with. I just couldn't wait for the day when we would have kids. I just never knew that it would be this soon.

My God, please let everything be okay. Please don't let Beth lose this baby. I couldn't even bare to think that she might lose this baby before I was even able to get the chance to enjoy the idea of having a baby with her.

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