Chapter 8: Something has changed

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Derek POV

I had been looking forward to this night to just see her again. To be around her. To hug her. To see her smile. To hear her laugh. The moment she walked through the door, my gawd she took my breath away. The way she fits perfectly into my arms as I embrace her with a hug. She pulled away from the hug, much too soon then I would’ve liked. I gazed into her eyes and before I can even open my mouth to speak she says “Hey.” I see here eyes quickly shift from mine to past me, to everyone else in the house besides me. I step aside and she excitedly runs to the arms of Julianne, Witney, Emma, Val and Mark. I can’t help but feel disappointed at the vast difference of response she had when she saw the rest of the cast and the lack thereof response she had with me. There was something different, something had changed.

Noticing the disappointment, I hear a cough and a snide remark of, “Thanks, I’m happy to see you too, Derek.” I didn’t even notice Julie, a producer from DWTS, arrive with Bethany. Apparently, they had just come from dinner when Mark had called Bethany to beg her to stop by.

 I had no clue what was going on. First, we were supposed to attend Jingle Ball in LA last night together and I hear from my publicist that Bethany had to cancel. She didn’t even pick up any of my calls to let me know what was going on. Then, I hear that she has the time to have dinner with Julie or even respond to the texts and calls of both Witney and Mark. I was sad but convinced myself it was probably nothing. That when we saw each other face to face everything would be back to normal. But it wasn’t. Something changed.

Throughout the night, I watched her from afar because I got the feeling she was making sure to avoid me. She seemed fine though, engaging in conversations with everyone but me. She chatted with Witney about fashion and started singing with Mark as he played the guitar. I resorted to sitting on the floor right in front of her, just to be close to her, as she spoke with Julianne on the couch about being a part of the Kind Campaign. As their conversation was coming to an end, I thought to myself, perfect timing so I could somehow start up a conversation just so I could talk to her for the first time tonight. Bethany glances at me and just as I was about to speak, I heard the doorbell.

 I opened the door surprised to see Justene standing there. She stopped by to drop off my jacket from the concert last night. Not wanting to be a complete jerk, I invited her in. I knew if I didn’t, she would pout at the doorstep and make a scene.

 I sat back down on the floor in front of Bethany as Justene took a seat on the floor at the end of the couch as well. I awkwardly sat there listening to the polite conversation Bethany initiated with Justene to make her feel included. I admire B’s kindness and how it seems like she was the older and more mature one of the two.

Meanwhile, Mark, my sister and the rest of the gang certainly did not help by icing Justene out. They did not appreciate how Justene always manages to weasel her way trying to get close to me. Justene and I had been out a couple of times up until the season started and nothing really came out of it. Of course, things started developing with Bethany and that is all that I had been focused on. Justene, on the other hand, had other ideas. She would show up at different events that I was at or find excuses to stop by. Like tonight or the concert last night.

I was summoned to the kitchen to lend a hand with something when I saw from the corner of my eye Bethany escape to the balcony. As soon as I was able to, I followed her out there.

I startle her when she heard my footsteps. She turns towards me and I say, “Hey, what’s going on with you? You avoiding me?”

With a little laugh she answers, “Is this going to be another one of your ‘your energy sucks Bethany’ interventions?”

I smirk at her trying to make light of the moment but I firmly say, “Babe…”

She answers, “D, I’m fine. Things are fine.”

Sensing she wanted to change the subject, I ask “What are you even doing out here? It’s freezing.” I walk closer to her to place my hands on her shoulders then rub her arms up and down to keep her warm. I feel her give in to my touch and forget whatever was on her mind even for that few seconds.

She then shifted probably realizing she let her guard down, took a step away from me and up towards the railing of the balcony. She says, “You know how much I love this view.”

“Um, of course, I remember when I first took you out here, you probably stood here in awe for like hours.”

She says, “Stop, you are so exaggerating.” She laughs as she turns to look at me and I felt that I finally saw the Bethany I remember staring back at me.

“I remember you telling me that you were so in awe of this view because it was the first time you felt that all of Hollywood, the world and all its opportunities were within your reach.” I slowly move towards the railing and closer to Bethany, “That day, I saw everything click with you while we were dancing. You were finally getting the technique, the emotion, and the performance of a dance. You were truly opening up to the process of DWTS. You finally really, I mean truly felt this new confidence to take new opportunities. And they are all right there…within your reach, anything you want. ”

She looks up at me and I could see the shock yet sincerity in her eyes. Searching for the words, she says, “You remember everything in such detail.”

I reply, “I could never forget the feeling of a moment like that.” I raise my hand with the intention to move a hair out of her face but was stopped when I heard the balcony door swing open.

Justene walks out and asks, “Baby, should we watch a movie when everyone leaves?”

I drop my hand from the side of Bethanys face and grimace in frustration. Before I could apologize to Bethany, she excused herself saying that her sister was probably already downstairs waiting for her. She went back in the house and said her ‘see you laters’ to everyone. I ran to stop her before she reached the door.

She turned to me, gave me a hug and whispered, “Goodbye Derek.”

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