Chapter 1: It was her

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Derek POV

This season was different. She made it different.

Saying that this last year or so was a whirlwind would be an understatement...the nonstop madness from Season 18 with Amy to the Emmy nomination and win. Then, directly into the dance tour with Julianne and the book release tour. I honestly did not think I could handle or had anything left creatively to give into putting in another season of Dancing with the Stars. But I had a feeling something was going to be different about this season. And it truly was... she is what made it different. It was her.

This being my 14th season of competing as a pro on Dancing with the Stars, I have definitely learned my share of lessons from each of my parents. Helping to mold and guide each partner to become a dancer has been challenging at times, even frustrating, inspirational, fun, joyous and rewarding. But with Bethany it was something different.

I still remember the first time I found out Bethany was going to be my partner at first production meeting of Season 19 a couple of weeks before the live premiere of Dancing with the Stars...

Sitting around a long table with the other professional dancers of season 19, we were each handed an envelope containing the identity of our partners. I opened the envelope and was immediately taken back at how gorgeous she was.

Mark, who was seated next to me, peaked over at the 8x10 photo of Bethany and said, " Bro, mirrorball trophy or not at the end this season for you, she is definitely a win-win situation for you. The producers definitely researched your type to create this showmance arc with you this year but something tells me that this has the potential of being more than just a showmance and just might be the real thing."

I reply back, " Dude, I do not have a type and you could tell that we are meant to be from just a 8x10 headshot?"

Val counters back, " Bro, you definitely do have a type and she fits that mold to a tee. Looks like you and I are both in for the showmance angle this year. "

I turn the 8x10 photo around to read up on some of her accomplishments and exactly find out who she was and what she did. I was amazed. The amount of subscribers, her creativity in the content of her youtube page, her story of overcoming bullying, her clothing line, her perfume fragrance, and her net worth. Reading up on her bio, I stopped dead in my tracks when I glanced over her age......

I unexpectedly say out loud, "18 ?!?!?"

Mark says, " Ouch, that is harsh. To have everything you could ever possibly want in a girl all within your reach, just to have her be basically off limits is going suck. Sorry man...these next 3 months are going to interesting to say the least for you."

Mark was right, these last 3 months with Bethany was interesting to say the least. I came into the first meeting with Bethany with my guard up and convinced myself that there was no way I could fall for her. It was not even about the age difference to me, it was the fact that she was 18 and still had the entire world at her fingertips. She had so much to discover about the world and herself that she did not need a creepy, 29 year old guy holding her back. So I prepared myself to just be there to help guide her on this first journey outside of youtube or her clothing line. I was excited and challenged to be there as she ventured to open herself to live tv, to becoming a dance and to discover that DWTS can open so many more doors for her. Little did I know, that she would be the one that opened so many things for me.

In the beginning, she was timid and guarded but the journey of her opening up as a dancer, both physically and emotionally, has been mesmerizing. It excited me seeing the transformation of her physical dance ability, her aura, her energy, and her fierceness. Physically, the improvement of her posture, her back, her shoulders, the way she extends and finishes the lines of her body when she dances now is stunning. As a teacher and coach, I was proud. Her bubbly personality and the joy she found in every little thing brought a fresh perspective for me. As a friend, I was inspired. I thought it was because of her youth or innocence but the maturity beyond her age revealed we both were so alike.

Our shared experience with bullying at a young age. Our shared drive to inspire and help people. Our creative minds, me through dance and her with her youtube content. Our interest in music, as evident in the sporadic burst of songs during our rehearsal times. Our interest in photography shows how alike we visualize images and scenes. During camera blocking rehearsals for the live shows, she understood me as I rambled on about choreographing something so specific so the camera angle can frame the shot just as I pictured it in my head. She was different from any other partner or girl I have ever dated...she got me.

Looking back now, call it destiny, fate or the universe's hands at work to bring us together. I was meant to meet her, she was meant to bring new life in me and she was meant to bring new inspiration to me.

She made this season different. She made me feel different. It was her.

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