Chapter 31: Planning for our forever

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Derek POV

The whirlwind of both Beth and I's life is full speed ahead. I thought with my injury, things would slow down a little. I would be able to stick around LA with Beth and not have to travel back and forth to New York but life certainly doesn't work that way for Beth and I. Of course it had to be the week when I don't travel to New York that Beth is scheduled to spend a full week there for a branding event with Youtube. Beth was definitely not going to let me travel with her on my bum ankle and broken toe, so I had to stay behind.

From there, she was onto Toronto, Prague, and Thailand with limited time to squeeze in with me during her time off. Meanwhile, after quickly rehabbing my injuries, I was able to finish out the end of the DWTS season and head directly onto the Move Live on Tour rehearsals.

As rehearsals were underway, Bethany had some time off to spend some quality time with me before I left on tour. It was so nice to settle in to a routine of coming home to her at my condo everyday after a long day of rehearsals.

I walk in through the doorway and find her in her favorite spot.

"I swear, I think you love this balcony more than me," I said as I step outside and walk up behind her.

She giggles and says, "I can't help it, I'm a sucker for great views and I just don't have this type of view at my house. So whenever I am over here, I like to take it in as much as I can."

I stood behind her and wrap my arms around her stomach. I place a sweet kiss on the back of her neck and we just stood there for a minute or two enjoying the view of the setting sun.

"So...about that..." I begin, "while we are on that subject..."

"And what subject would that be, exactly?" she asks with a confused look on her face.

I turn her body to face me, "Maybe this is a perfect time to discuss buying a home together."

I see the surprise in her eyes as she answers, " What? Where did that come from?"

"Babe, we're practically already living together in the limited time we are actually in LA at the same time. And with the baby on its way, we can't continue going back and forth from here or your house. "

Bethany adds, "Oh I know, it's just I figured we'd eventually pick one or the other. Not necessarily go out and buy a new one."

I counter, "I know the house you have now is just out of necessity and not everything you want in your dream home. Plus, my condo is such a bachelor pad and is not a place to raise our baby. So... let's find a new one... were we can start raising our family together."

"Baby," she says as she caresses the side of my face with a smile, "that sounds amazing and so perfect but you are getting ready to go on this nationwide tour. Your schedule on paper, looks exhausting and hectic. There is not going to be anytime to go house hunting."

"Beth, whichever house you want, it will be fine with me. All I care is that the house will be our own."

"Derek, I just don't want to add any more stress on you or rush anything. With the limited of time that I will be able to get with you for the next couple of months, I don't want to spend going back and forth about details of a house... I just want to spend that time being with you. So, the condo or my house right now is just fine, we will have plenty of time for that picture perfect home. Just as long as you are by my side and we get to hold our healthy, little baby in our arms, I'll be happy."

"Bethany, it's just... nothing about any of this going on right now is what you planned it to be. I know as a little girl, you probably dreamed of getting married and settling down in a cozy home before you had a child. I just want to be able to give you all of that. I know it's not in the ideal order but I still want you to have that happily ever after. I want to do this right."

"Derek, I don't need a house of our own or to be married right this second to know that we are in this for the long haul. That we are our own family. Of course, I can't wait to be your wife or to walk into our very first home together but there is just so many things going on right now with getting ready for the baby and you being away on tour."

I interject, "But baby..."

She interrupts, "Babe, I am head over heals in love with you and I can't imagine spending the rest of my life without you in it. I am already so happy right now. I am so excited for what the future holds for us. You don't have to make all of my dreams come true by tomorrow, we have a lifetime for find our perfect home and to get married."

"I want to make things right though."

"Derek, I want to enjoy every second of planning that amazing day that we stand in front of our families and friends to celebrate our love. And I don't want to be alone when I go house hunting and resort to facetiming or texting you pictures of potential homes that I see. I want you to be right by my side when we first walk in and instantly get that feeling of knowing that is our home. So right now, I just want you to enjoy going on tour and putting all of our attention on this little one in here," Beth says as she rubs her growing belly.

I place my hand over her hand and say, "Baby, you deserve the world and I promise you that I will try my best today and everyday for the rest of our lives to give you it."

Bethany moves her hand to the side of my face and says, "Derek, you already have."

"Oh I have, have I?" I said.

She shrugs her shoulder and answers, "Ehh."

"Really now??? And what exactly can I work on right this second that will satisfy you?" I say with a mischevious smirk.

Without saying a word, she raises her eyebrows with a smile. As I walk over to her, she licks her lips and it sends me to the edge of anticipation. There was not a doubt of exactly what I wanted to do with her right now. With disregard for gentle and sweet love making, I honestly just wanted to ravish her in my arms.

I slowly run my hand through her hair and graze my thumb over the bottom of her lip. Staring into her eyes, I move both of my hands from her face and down the front inbetween her chest. As I kiss the side of her neck, I move my hands around her tiny waist and rest it on the nice curve of her ass. To her surprise, I swiftly grab her bottom to lift her up and carry her. She wraps her legs around my waist and lets out this breathy giggle.

I can't help but be so turned on by her innocent nuances when its mixed with this undeniable sexiness. I mutter, "Gawd, I love you."

Just as we were about to head up the stairs, we hear a knock at the door.

I manage to escape, "just ignore it."

The knocking persists and Bethany says, "Babe..."

I start to roll my eyes in annoyance until I hear a familiar voice from the other side of the door say, "Derek, I know you are in there. Open up."

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