Chapter 12: First dinner date

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Derek POV

Its been a couple of days since Bethany arrived in town from her trip. We slowly start to build back our friendship by texting and calling each other several times throughout the day. Everything is going well but we still haven’t sat down to address everything that happened. We both carefully skirt around the issue trying not to ruin the progress that we are making. However, she only has a couple of more days here in LA before she heads back home to NorCal and I knew we had to talk before she leaves.

I met her early in the day at the Grove as she was doing a little holiday shopping with her friend, Roxy. As I followed her from store to store carrying her shopping bags, I finally got the courage to ask her to have dinner with me tonight at my house and she said yes. We both looked at each other knowing that tonight’s dinner would be the right time to address everything that has gone down and try to determine how we go about the future.

 A couple of hours had passed since I left Bethany and Roxy to their shopping when I heard a knock at the door. I opened it to find Bethany standing there looking absolutely stunning. Just in some figure hugging jeans, an oversized white sweater that showed a bit of her toned stomach and tall killer heels. Her makeup was simple yet she had on a bold red lipstick color on her lips that I know I will not be able to keep my eyes off of all night just thinking about kissing them.

 She let out a little laugh as she knew that I was taken aback just checking her out and said, “Well, hi there.”

 I laugh a little and say, “Hey” as I pull her in for a hug. I kissed her neck and whisper, “You look absolutely gorgeous but I’m guessing by my reaction you already know you look stunning.”

 She smiles and says, “I may have put in a little extra effort getting ready for tonight… it’s always good to know it was appreciated. ” I stood back as she walked into the house and placed her purse on the table. “It smells amazing in here. Here, let me help you set the table,” she offers.

I reply, “Oh, things are already set.” Bethany looks at me like I am crazy as she stares at a completely empty dining room table. I take her hand and guide her towards the balcony, “We are having dinner out here.”

 I open up the balcony door to reveal the all out set up of hanging tea lights coming down from the ceiling and an abundant arrangement of white flowers scattered all over the table with candles lit up all over the balcony.

 Bethany stood back in awe saying, “Now this is gorgeous. You did all this?”

 “I had a lot of help from Witney and Julianne.”

 “This is amazing. I have never had anyone do something like this for me.”

 I tell her, “ I just wanted to do something extra special to makeup for the ending of the last time we were out here on this balcony. Before that night, you loved being out here so I wanted to make sure you always have more good memories out here then that one unfortunate time.”

 She smiles and places her hand to the side of my face, “Thank you.”

 We sat down to have dinner and spent the entire night talking. I swear this girl makes talking about everything and nothing at all so entertaining. From favorite moments during DWTS, to most embarrassing moments, to traveling and photography, we covered so many topics except the one topic on both of our minds…us.

 After clearing the table, I walk onto the balcony and find Bethany over by the railing looking out at the view. I ask, “So, are all those opportunities out there everything you dreamed and hoped they would be?”

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