Chapter 5: It truly was a Good Morning America

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Just as we landed in New York, there was no time to waste and we headed directly to Good Morning America for the DWTS After Party. As we drove through Times Square in the double decker bus, the mood of the entire cast was mixed. Everyone was coming off such a high from the finale and the reality of all that hard work you put in is suddenly now over is hard to comprehend. The thought of having to go back to our “normal” lives without the daily rehearsals, Monday night shows or seeing the faces of each of these people whom were once strangers that have now become close family over 3 months is tough. You get so used to this routine and this life that when it’s all over, there is a huge adjustment. I look over to Bethany chatting with the girls and just hope that the adjustment isn’t too much for the two of us to handle.

Mark walks over to me as I was deep in thought and says, “Bro, what’s going on? Something tells me this has to do with a certain brunette, youtube sensation. ” I roll my eyes as he continues, “ Have you told her?”

Dumbfounded, I ask, “Told her what?”

“Bro, don’t even. You forget that I know you better then you know yourself. Did you tell her that you are falling for her? Tell her that she is everything you could ever possibly want in a girlfriend or someone that you want to spend the rest of your life with. That you can’t wait to wife her up and have hundreds of dark haired, blue-eyed babies with dimples just like hers.”

I reply, “Do you hear how crazy you sound? We’ve only known each for 3 months. She is only 19 and I am this crazy 29 year old. How could that possibly work?”

“Bro, really? You trying to talk yourself out of what we all already have seen this entire season?”

“Is it that obvious?”

“Um, yea. You spent the entire flight here making googly eyes to one another across the plane and both of you weren’t even paying any attention to the conversations you were having with other people. And if that wasn’t bad enough, we all saw you cuddling and caressing her on your lap the last leg of the flight.”

“I thought everyone was knocked out by that point?”

Val chimes in, “It was as if there was this magical ray of light and romantic music blasting around the little bubble you two were in…it was hard to ignore. Plus curiosity got the best of us, we wanted to eavesdrop to see what was really going on between the two of you. ”

Janel and Witney looked over and added, “Guilty, sorry.”

I explain, “Neither of us said anything. I think we were both afraid to acknowledge whatever it is between us because we have no clue what the future holds. After the holidays, I am going to be in New York for months while she is in California or probably conquering the world as a mogul in the making. I don’t want to get both of our hopes up just to have it all come crashing down in a matter of months because wrong timing or distance. She just deserves better.”

 Mark counters, “Ok, maybe the timing isn’t ideal. But this could all be real. She could be the one.”

Just as Mark was finishing that last sentence, Bethany makes her way over to us and says, “Why the serious faces?”

I tell her, “ It’s nothing. You ready for this?”

She replies, “it’s crazy, finishing exactly where we started all those months ago during the cast announcement. It’s nice to come full circle.” I grab her hand as we walk off the bus and into the studio. We did a quick run through our jive before settling in the dressing rooms.

One of the producers came to get us and line us up behind a sliding door that opened to the stage and audience members. Situated towards the back of the line, I intertwine my hand with Bethany’s hand, wrap it around her lower back and turn her towards me. Nose to nose we Eskimo kiss, do a little shoulder shimmy, I lightly kiss her nose with my lips then kiss the top of her forehead…our preshow ritual. I whisper, “one last time, babe?” and she confidently answers back, “one last time.”

As we danced our jive, I couldn’t help but look over and smile at her. She has grown and improved so much. Without the stress of judging or an elimination, I look over to see her dancing with fun and enjoyment. As the segment ended, everyone from the cast starts to turn to Bethany and I to say their goodbyes. The rest of the cast was headed to The View for another taping but this is where the troupe, Bethany and I had to say goodbye. The waterworks definitely start to run down all of the girls’ faces.

Alfonso emphatically states, “ Girls, this is Good Morning America not let’s cry our eyes out and sadden everyone’s morning, America. Get ahold of yourselves.” Alfonso’s voice starts to trail as he continues, “ Oh, who am I kidding, I’m going to miss everyone.” The entire cast bursts into laughter.

As Bethany finished up saying her goodbyes, I pull her aside as we stop just before the exit. She wraps her arms around my waist as I pull her body in close to mine. I stood there smelling her hair… it reminds me of the countless times I spun her into my arms during rehearsal and how the subtle scent of her perfume would linger in the air. I’m going to miss it…I’m going to miss her. I step back from the hug and bring both my hands to cup her face. I tilt her head up so that I can look into her eyes that are glistening with the tears that are about to fall. Fighting back tears myself, I try to reassure not only her but the both of us quite frankly that things are going to be ok.

 I tell her, “Baby, the circumstances and the scenery around us may change but it’s still just you and me. We still have the phone, texts and facetime, right? You know there’s this thing called the internet where it allows you to connect with people, regardless of where they are, through skype or IChat…” I try to make light of the moment and manage to get a little laugh from her. “You know I will always be there whenever you need me, right?”

She replies, “I know.” I look at her questioningly as I hear the doubt still in her voice, she continues, “but things are going to be so different. Our schedules are going to be hectic. We probably will never be in the same state much less the same city for more than a couple days, if that. It’s just going to be different. I got so used to seeing you everyday and now we have to schedule phone calls or Facetime chats.”

“Babe, don’t… don’t throw in the towel without trying. I’m not going to lie, it’s going to be hard. The thought of not seeing you everyday or the possibility of life drifting us apart scares me. But there is something between us that I am not ready to give up. Even if it’s a 30 second phone call were we both can barely squeeze in a hi/hello or if we only communicate via a Facetime chat once a month, I will take whatever I can get because this between us is real.”

“ How do you go through this every season? How do you say goodbye?”

“ Bethany, look at me. I am not saying goodbye to you. I refuse to say goodbye to you. You are not like any other partner that I have had where I can go on without knowing what is going on in their lives or only see them every once in awhile at some event. This is different. You are different. This will somehow work itself out in time. Have faith in that… have faith in us.”

She nods her head and says, “Look, I don’t want to make a scene outside by the car with the paparazzi around, so I am not going to say goodbye and you don’t make me cry, ok. Besides, I mean we will see each other next week at Jingle Ball in LA, right? A week doesn’t seem so bad, I think I can handle that.”

I smile loving the fact that she tries to put on a brave face, “ Yea, Jingle’s a date. Plus Mota, I am going to call you on Thanksgiving trying to convince you to join dance wars. Don’t you dare deny me of that.”

She smirks, shrugs her shoulders and says, “We’ll see.”

I pull her in for one last hug and kiss her right behind her ear. I whisper, “The timing may be off but one day, you’ll see this could all be real.”

I pull away and see a tear fall from her eye. As she began to turn to walk out through the door and barricade, with a smile she says, “You were suppose to not make me cry. I’m going to get you back, Hough.”

I laugh and follow out the door behind her. We both get into our respective cars, I glance up and out the window only to see her glancing back through the rear of her car. We both smile and wave as the cars turn to drive off in opposite directions. During the car ride, almost as if we were thinking as one, we each post the same picture with similar heartfelt messages to one another on Instagram. I chuckle to myself at the coincidence of it all and in part to forget the small bit of sadness of today. Overall, it truly was a good morning.

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