Chapter 30: A Father's Baby

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Surprise!!! Guess who's back in the swing of things. Hope there are some Motough shippers still out there because my ship is certainly still sailing. Sorry for the long wait but life happened and it was nearly impossible finding time to write. But I have some upcoming chapters done so be on the look out for regular uploads. Thank you so much for the continued love and support. xoxo Kailiana

Bethany POV

After the emotions of the big reveal to our moms, we finally all sat down to eat a bit of dinner before Derek had to go back to rehearsals for the taping of the 10th anniversary special for DWTS. Soon after we ordered our food, my dad actually called my mom to tell her that he would not be able to make it for dinner.

I am not going to lie, I felt a sense of relief of not having to tell my dad the news here in a restaurant filled with tons of other people. I had much rather tell him one on one later when I got home; however, this was much to the dismay of Derek.

"Babe, just don't tell him tonight," he pleads.

I add, "I can't not tell him when my mom and sister know already."

"I have rehearsals all night long and I won't be able to go with you. I just want to be there... I need to be there when you tell him, Beth. Its only right as your boyfriend... as a man to be there for you. I have to be the one that tells him."

"Derek, I don't know how he is going to react. Maybe it will be better if I tell him on my own first, without you there," I said.

Derek emphatically replied, "No, I have to be there to take the brunt of his anger, if he gets mad. To answer his questions and concerns. To own up to the responsibility of taking care of you and the baby...I don't want it to look like I'm a coward for not showing up there to face him."

"Der, it's not even like that."

The tone in his voice softens as he continues, "Babe, you are 19. You're his little girl. You're his baby. And here I am, the 29 year old guy, that never even had the chance to ask his permission to even date you and now you are turning up on his doorstep pregnant with my child. His worst nightmare is coming true."

I rolled my eyes and excused myself from the table.

In unison, my mom, Derek's mom, Brittany and Julianne ask, "Where are you going?"

I answered, "I just need some air."

Before Derek could even object, I got up from the table and walked outside. I started walking around the outdoor mall when Derek caught up to me.

I turn to him and say with a bit of annoyance, "Derek, why do you keep on thinking that this is your fault? I made the decision to be with you, we are in this together. Don't treat me like I'm a child and I can't handle all of this."

"Babe, that's not what I am trying to do. I just want to protect you from the judgment and criticism that will come across practically everyone's mind, especially your Dad, when they find out you are pregnant," he said.

Just as he said that, I stopped dead in my track as I came across the store front of a clothing store for babies. Staring at little mannequins and all of the baby clothes, I quietly ask, "Tell me the truth... are you upset... maybe even ashamed or embarrassed about me pregnant? Being 19 and pregnant?"

"No... absolutely not. I have never been upset, ashamed or embarrassed about being with you or you having my child, Bethany," he vehemently states, "but..."

"But, what?" I say as I search his eyes for answers, "why do you keep bringing up the age issue, if it doesn't really bother you?"

He stands there in silence. Fearing that his pause might indicate the worse of my suspicion, I repeat his name to get his attention, "Derek!?!"

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