19- Drunken Proposal

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Serena's POV

Her face was flushed an extravagant shade of red, her hair vibrate pink.

His cheeks were blushed, freckles trying to dance their way to the top. His hair still that beautiful shade of red.

The classroom they were in was deserted. Empty desks and chairs stood bored. There was barely a sound, unless you counted the heavy panting of the two 17 year olds breathes mingling.

"Your hairs gone pink, love" He whisper-panted. Serena looked back up at him as Freds hands sooner dropped from the wall, joining his other round her waist. The ginger pulled her into a tight hug and he picked her up bridal style back to the Gryffindor common room.

Before either had the opportunity to say aloud the password, Serena pulled Fred back down into another kiss, this one however lighter and quicker.

"What happened today?" She asked, voice full of worry.

"Bludger, Hufflepuff beater didn't like the idea that there was a Black on the team. Something about your family needing to rot in hell-- not like he was saying anything true Rena!" She looked up at him, tears threatening to leave her grey eyes, "Minnie got him kicked from the team because of how unreasonable he was so don't worry, it's all okay". He leant down and wiped the single tear that was rolling down her flushed cheek, leaving a gentle kiss where it just was.

"Come on, we have a party to go to."


The common room was magnificent. The first game of the season and they won. THEY WON. Serena still couldn't process the vast amount of excitement filling the room. The first, second and third years were shooed off to bed by the older prefects, earning a good few scowls from Hermione.

Music and the smell of butter beer flooded everyone's senses. In the corner, George was snogging Angelina's face off. Hmm when did that happen? Serena asked herself, but instead just shrugged it off. Lee and Tamsin were talking by the DJ booth, with Lee spinning of course. Harry and Ron were sat by the fire, looking to be engrossed in a deep conversation.

No one seemed to be sober, or let alone notice the red-haired Weasley and the pink-haired Black walk into the common room hand in hand.

Serena found herself sipping on her 7th butter-beer before feeling the slightest bit tipsy. Fred on the other hand, was singing loudly with his brother George. Both slightly spilling a drop of their drink with each movement and looking back onto their glasses in confusion.

Not before long, they were both singing an awfully often version of 'Victor I love you, Viktor I do' however in Fred's instance, it was Serena and George's was Angelina.

"Angie, come here" Serena whispered to the just as embarrassed teenager. "You think it's time we take them to bed?"

She just simply nodded and went to go retrieve George, with the girl following suit.

"Come on Freddie, let's take you to bed" She sighed, grabbing ahold of his warm hands. "You've had far too much to drink, you stink of fire-whisky."

"You know it's not very nice telling your boyfriend that he stinks, love" He slurred in response, smirking at Serena.

"Fred. Stop, I'm not your girl friend okay--" Fred paused and went down onto one knee, slightly toppling to the side at the imbalance.

"Serena middle name Black you are now my girlfriend" He proposed, winking up at the girl.

"Ask me again when you're sober and I'll say yes" She mumbled.


He woke up the next morning with a headache like no other. How much did I drink last night? Fred asked himself as the slowly sat himself up. As he did so, he noticed a petite sleeping figure on the floor besides his- no not his George's bed. Why was he on George's bed?

"Morning sleepy" The figure mumbled.

"Morning Serena" Fred spoke back, his voice a harsh rasp and throat dry from the alcohol, "I didn't embarrass myself last night did I?"

She laughed. Fuck, that beautiful laugh. Wait Fred stop it, your probably still drunk. "No, just you and George exclaimed your propounded love for me, and in his case Angie. And you proposed, sort of. You asked me out but I just pushed you up and into the bed next to where George was, assuming you'd be next to each other."

"Oh fuck, I'm sorry love" He pressed, calling her to come sit on the bed. "So what made you want to stay here?"

"To make sure you didn't wake up and die"

"Aww you care about me!" He cooed, pinching her puffy cheeks and knocking her shoulder with his hand. For a while, they were sat in a comfortable silence, Fred had pulled Serena in by her waist and held her until their cute moment was interrupted by George's groans from his own headache.

"I'll go grab you some water and snacks from the kitchens. Behave both of you" She mumbled and then took off towards the kitchens.

"You look dreadful"

"Bet I'm still better looking than you Freddie"

Mini Padfoot ~ Fred Weasley. {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now