36- Bloody Hell

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Green flames enveloped the healers body as she landed back at the fireplace in the flat above Weasleys Wizard Wheezes. "They got Ron!'' She panted, dusting off soot from her uniform. "They tried to kill him" Serena repeated to the twins, as she rushed around the kitchen trying to find some of Ron's favourite snacks he always left.

"Who got him?" Fred asked, popping his head out of the bathroom with his toothbrush still in his mouth.

"The bloody serial killer, they tried getting Ron!" She screeched, her voice echoing throughout the whole house.

"Fred, Serena's being serious. Errol just delivered this" George said shakily, holding up a piece of parchment with the familiar writing of Mrs Weasley on it. "Grab his present, we can drop it off there"

Fred mock saluted George, his toothbrush still perched in his mouth, turning around to get himself ready.

Serena sighed as she made herself a coffee while waiting for the boys to get dressed.


"You know, Sir, when we envisioned giving Ron his present, he was conscious." Serena began.

The round stomached professor let out a jolly laugh, his tummy laughing with him, "My my child you do have the humour of your father" He choked out while patting Serena on the back. "Was a bright student he was, but not as bright as our Harry's mother isn't that right Harry?"

Harry hummed in agreement to the Professor as he broke off his conversation with Hermione. 

Fred and George finally came back into the hospital wing, after being kicked out by Madame Pomfrey for being too loud.

Serena was helping Poppy run around and tend to the other students in the wing as the Matron tended to Ron, when she saw the little boy from the joke shop. "Hey their little prankster" Serena smiled, as she poured a liquid into a vile, "What did you do to get yourself in here?"

"You know them skiving snack boxes I bought.." He began, Serena nodded "Well I think I took too many and now I'm here" He smiled proudly, a chuckle escaping from her lips.

"Did you not see the warning mr?" She asked warningly, the boy quickly went red as he nodded his head.

"I was just trying to see what would happen! I didn't mean to get knocked out" He replied sheepishly. Serena quietly called over Fred and George to the bed of the little boy.

"Fred George, meet Mr I ate too many sweets from the snack boxes and I ended up in the hospital wing" She announced to the twins, who shot the blonde a proud smile each, him mirroring one back.

"Nice to meet you, dear sir. We would have payed you well to try out our products last year, if someone" Fred jerked his head towards Hermione, "Didn't keep hitting us for it"

The boy let out a coughing laugh ,  resulting in Serena shooing the twins away from his bed, telling him how he's 'distracting her patients', and the boys walking backwards, bumping into beds as they held their hands up in a mock salute.

She rolled her eyes at the pairs immaturity before getting back to the little boy. She handed him one more piton, before getting the thumbs up from Madame Pomfrey to release him, "Now if I find out that you've taken more than the average amount of the boys' products, I will personally send you so many that you get bored of them" She grinned, as the boy jumped off the hospital bed and returned to his classes.

Being back at Hogwarts made Serena sad. How her father had ran around these halls not too long ago, and how she did the same building up to their great escape.

"Ready to go home love? Fred asked, snaking his arm around her waist. Serena nodded as the twins and her left school grounds and apperated away.


Ok um, 1K reads shut up.

anyways ik its not a massive achievement but like I'm proud.

I have another book out! Its called Lycanthropy and its about two young werewolf's in the Marauders Era

Love you all


T xx

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