20- Friendly Encounter

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"Well well well, she's alive then" Spoke a cold, unnerving voice. Serena was casually walking in the dungeons, on her way to the kitchens to get Fred and George some hangover remedies. The thought of their state last night resulted in a light chuckle escape from her lips. At the sound of the voice, the Gryffindor stopped in her tracks and turned to face the same scrawny blonde boy who called her a mudblood. Her own cousin; Draco Malfoy. "Who did it?Who hit you?"

"Excuse me?" She questioned, a hint of disgust in her tone. "Why would you care, Malfoy. Didn't mummy tell you about the horrible 'disappointment' we are-"

"How dare you speak to me like that, filthy half-blood" He spat, scrunching up his face making him look like an old pumpkin.

"Well, he's finally got it right" She smirked, "I'd say later, but I'd rather not see your ugly face again. So good-bye!" Serena chirped, and turned on her heels and back towards the kitchens.

Sneakily, she tickled the pear and opened the door to be greeted by the lush scent of freshly baked bread and pumpkin juice. After greeting the elf's, and having a conversation with Dobby and Winky (who was in tears half of the time, however she still managed to get some sort of conversation out of her) , Serena was gifted with a basket of warm bread, chocolate and pumpkin cookies , pancakes and a large jug of pumpkin juice for 'Master and Master Weasley'

She bid the creatures goodbye and started her journey towards the hospital wing to grab some 'bye bye hangover' potion and quickly get herself checked at my Madame Pomfrey, who only huffed as she saw the damage from her sleeping on the floor. 'Its not that different from the hospital beds!' she kept retorting but the matron was having none of it.

Sooner or later, Serena was now back in the common room, dishing out her majority of food and the remedy followed by pumpkin juice. As the twins gulped down their serving of the potion, the pair grimaced and coughed. "Thats what the pumpkin juice is for, drink"

"Sorry mum" George grumbled, sipping on the much better tasting pumpkin juice.

Ignoring the comment from the younger twin, the girl went and sat herself at the edge of Fred's bed (which both the twins had swapped into their correct sides) and played her head down of his lap. There was a safe silence as the boy played with her now, natural curly raven hair, compared to the bright pink mess from yesterday.

"You two are gross" George finally spoke, causing his brother and Sirius Blacks daughter to giggle, and pushed himself up out of the 7th year boys dormitory.

"Probably gone to go snog Angelina again" Fred joked as he attempted to braid the girls hair, "H-hey Rena can we er talk?"

At the sudden, awkward question she sat herself up and faced the ginger crossed-legged. "Of course what's up Freddie?"

"Well, I was actually planning to say this after the game... but there was a slight inconvenience. And then I was going to say it at the party, but I had too much to drink for it to mean anything and now here we are" He spoke quietly, Serena was listening (she was in fact a very good listener) and nodding along and laughing at parts, "IlikeyouSerena" He quickly said.

Serena had a quizzical look on her face at the boys sudden word vomit. "Come again?"

He took a sharp inhale in, "I like you, Serena. A lot." Fred looked up from the mattress and softly grabbed her hands, playing with them and twisting around the jewellery that rested upon them. "You don't have to say it back, just that's how I feel--"

She cut him off with a kiss. A kiss unlike any they'd shared before. Short, but full of lust. "I like you too Freddie. A lot" She hummed, cheeks flushing red.


Hi! Sorry for this horrible chapter but I've been feeling very bleh and writers block. Thank you all for choosing to read this far it means a lot. This was just a filler chapter until I get the inspiration to write something of decency.

Have a good night and stay safe, eating and hydrating <3

T x

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