3- Your Joking?

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The fireplace erupted into green flames and a witch who looked around the same age as Ron walked out. Her hair was thick and puffy, and her face was covered in soot. After brushing herself down the girl greeted the Weasley's , Sirius and Remus. When she stood in front of Serena, she had an unreadable expression on her face, leaving Serena uncomfortable and feeling judged by the girl.

"Hermione Granger, and you are?" She asked, putting her hand out to shake it.

"Serena Black, Sirius is my dad, um I've heard a lot of great things about you, and how you helped my father escape in your third year" She smiles, and shook her hand.

The latter found themselves later on in the kitchen, Mrs Weasley handing out the Hogwarts letters that had come that morning. To Serena's surprise, she was handed her own envelope and egarly ripped it open. Inside there was a piece of parchment which read:

Miss Serena Camilla Black

Congratulations, you have been accepted into Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry. You will find your ticket and equipment list attached to the parchment. Upon your arrival, follow your fellow students to the carriages where you will be greeted with the school. Once inside please wait outside of the great hall so you can be sorted into your house. You will also find a permission slip for access to Hogsmeade Village , please ensure a parent signs this for access to these trips.

sincerely, Minerva McGonagall

Transfigurations Professor and Deputy Head of Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry

Serena stood there in shock, her hands were shaky. She couldn't believe what she had in her hands. "Papa, this isn't a joke is it...?" She asked, her voice weak. The girl looked up at her father who shook his head, as well as the twins. It was real, finally she could experience going to a real school.

Suddenly, her joy was interrupted by Molly's screeching and squeezing of Ron. "Oh my goodness that's every boy in this family who has become a prefect! This is amazing!"

"Oh what are me and Fred then, next door neighbours? "George asked, sarcasm dripping off his tongue. Molly send daggers towards the twins and before anything else could be said, Serena dragged the duo out of the kitchens by their t-shirts, creasing them with her strong grip.

"Woah calm down love, if you wanted me and George alone you could've just asked" Fred smirked, enlightening the mood.

"Why'd I wanna be alone with you two, ew" She replied, picking up the hairbrush that Sirius had chased the boys with the night before." No well um, look" She showed them her acceptance letter.

"You two are 17 right?" They nodded "Okay so your going to be my tour guides and-" She was cut of by George

"Your middle name is Camilla? Wicked"

"GEORGE! Focus or I swear to merlin I will personally throw you down the stairs. Now as I was saying. Urgh fine it's my mothers name now let me finish! "Serena angrily said, hitting the boys on the arm with the hair brush. After winning back their attention and telling the boys that they will have to do as she says, many hits on the arms later, the three were laying on the sofa's talking about the twins' plans to open up a joke shop, and all of the products they had created.

Tonight, the Order were having another meeting and none of the kids were to get involved. Tonks had told Ginny and Serena that if they throw something at the door and it rebounds back there's a special charm on it, but that didn't stop Fred and George from wanting to use their extendable ears to try and eavesdrop. Unluckily though, Hermione's cat Crookshanks had eaten the ear and the children were left on the third floor cursing the cat, besides from Hermione who was screaming after each insult of her cat.

After their failed attempt of knowing what was going on in the Order, they all scattered off to bed. Ginny and Hermione were now sharing their own room, leaving Serena to have her bed back to herself.

Tomorrow she was supposedly meeting her God-Brother , Harry Potter. The girl was extremely nervous and yet again, couldn't sleep. She had gone on a midnight walk around the house and bumped into the one person who she didn't want to bump into. Fred Weasley.

"Can't stay away from me can you, Black" He said, vice raspy as if he had just woken up. For some reason, him calling her by her last name made her heart drop , but the sound of his slepey voice and half naked- HOLY MERLIN Fred Weasley was standing half naked in front of her and she had only just realised.

"You wish" She said confidently, "Couldn't sleep so I decided to go for a walk, but now I think of it, I'm going back to bed"

"I'll be right behind you" Fred commented.




"Yep" And at the final yep, he ran past her and jumped onto her bed. "You see Black, your bed is just so much more comfortable than mine so if you let me stay in here then I will give you a galleon a day rent. Deal?"

Fred was laid on her bed resting against the headboard when Serena managed to drag herself back into her room, dreading the strong scent of gunpowder and cinnamon that was bound to linger when he leaves.

However, he was laid on her side of the bed, causing her to stomp over to the bed and push him to the other side, half tempted to push him off the bed overall and only stopped herself when realising it would wake everybody up.

"Ha I win" He said sleepily, and pulled her silver silk covers over him and closed his eyes.

"You'll be the death of me Weasley" She whispered, and summoned a throw blanket to put over herself, as she was sleeping above the duvet.

Mini Padfoot ~ Fred Weasley. {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now