9- Fix it

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"Hey Mini-Padfoot" A familiar voice called from outside of the potions classroom. Serena turned around to see a grinning Fred Weasley leaned against a pillar.

"What Weasley" she bit.

"Snape gotten to you already?" He joked.

"More like I made fun of him and then said he couldn't keep a lily alive as in herbology but then after he said Harry's mums called Lily and like you know she's um yeah and he almost began to cry. So brilliant way to start potions. Definitely failing my NEWTs" she sighed "sometimes my head takes control of my words and I don't actually think"

"You have enough brain cells to think?" Fred responded, ignoring the dull tone of her previous comment.

The two walked in silence until they reached the Gryffindor common room. Just as Serena was about to say the password, she felt the stairs beneath her begin to shake.

"Uh Fred?" She squeaked " Why the fuck are the stairs moving?"

"Just hold on-" But before he could finish, Serena found herself tumbling down the stairs and landing at George's feet.

Serena and stairs clearly did not get along.

"Ha Freddie , she's falling for me now" George laughed, holding his hand out to help the girl up. Reluctantly, she took it and they made their way back up to where Fred was.

"You know Rena," Fred began," We do wonder how you can tell us apart easily. Not even our mum can."

"It's easy, George has a bigger top lip and Fred, you have no top lip" She laughed, getting a 'hair-flip' from George and a pouting Fred.


After a few minutes, the stairs had returned to their place before Serena had tumbled down them and the trio entered the common room.

"Hey Serena, your owls been poking around the bedroom since earlier, go fix it" Alicia said, clearly disgusted by the shabby barn owl flying around their bedroom.

As she climbed up the stairs, Serena couldn't help but wonder who would have been writing to her this early in the school year. Her mind flooded with names of different people, making her heart race. Could it have been Dad? No we haven't spoken properly since Harry arrived home? Remus? But why'd he send an owl this early into the term? Dora? Asking if she was the better teacher. That thought made her laugh.

Cautiously , Serena pushed open her dormitory door and was greeted by Prongs, her fathers owl. At the ankle , she saw a red envelope. Fuck is all she thought. Her first howler. She slowly untied it from the owl and allowed it to do it's thing.

"SERENA CAMILLA BLACK" She flinched at her fathers booming voice " Oh honey I am so proud of you for standing up to Snivelous like that. greasyhairedprick. I knew he would be harsh on you because he hated me James and Remus when we were at Hogwarts. Anyways, congratulations on making Gryffindor baby Padfoot, I hope the twins are looking after you or when they return I will have to actually get them with that brush."

Her fathers voice stopped, and she heard the muffled tones of Remus and Molly,"Sirius, tell her what you actually was going to say"

"Oh yes right" He continued " I'm sorry for leaving you alone when Harry came, I'm all he has left and I wanted to make sure he felt at home. I can be a bit headstrong when trying to do things that I don't realise who I'm hurting. Anyways go kick some ass and get on that quidditch team like your Uncle James.

Love, Papa"

As the howler said the final words, it shrivelled up and ripped into multiple pieces. Serena, being stubborn and wanting to keep the letter, cast 'repairo' and the letter returned back to its state. Merlin did she miss her Father and everyone at home, despite it only being her first day at Hogwarts.

At least she hadn't got a detention yet. Though she couldn't say the same for those darned ginger twins.

Mini Padfoot ~ Fred Weasley. {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now