13- Renunited And Appologies

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The next morning, Serena woke up with her hair still damp. "What the fuck, I showered 9 hours ago!" She whisper-yelled to herself. Lat night, Serena had been in the shower for 3 hours before Angelina finally forced her out, because she needed to shower as well. Once she had got out, Serena was too tired to go apologise to Fred for her fire-burst earlier and too tired to dry her hair, even though it required a flick of her wand.

After cleaning herself up , and taming the mass of curly hair that sat on her head, Serena put on a pair of joggers and a tight t-shirt which complemented the curves of her body and made her way into the common room. It was particularly empty, and was lacking in an amount of red heads. Serena made her way over to Hermione, who was laid on a one-seater sofa reading a muggle book called 'Panic Room'.

"Hey 'Mione" Serena said, making the 5th year jump. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. Have you seen Fred and George anywhere?"

"The Weasley's and Harry left last night" She replied, not loosing her gaze on the book. "Harry had a nightmare that Mr Weasley was attacked, and it was real so they've gone back to your house for safety" Odd. Is all that Serena thought, and a small pang of guilt struck her as she remembered she had left things with Fred on a bad note. What if he was thinking this was karma? She knew how much he appreciated his father.

"Well why weren't we aloud to go?! We are family as much as they are!" Serena whined, sitting herself down on the arm of the chair Hermione was laid on.


Finally, the end of term had come around and Serena was buzzing. She had to deal with a week without Fred or George or Ginny or Ron. And bloody hell was it HELL. Despite being on bad terms with Fred, she couldn't wait to see him again and hug him.

Serena and Hermione were sharing a compartment on the train as they would both be going to the same place. The ride was particularly boring considering all Hermione did was read, but she didn't mind as it gave Serena the perfect chance to rehearse what she was going to say to Fred.

As the train came to a halt, Serena felt extremely anxious. She hadn't seen her father in 3 months and today she would be seeing him again. At the station, Molly Weasley and Remus were waiting for the girls to apparate home.

As much as she hated this form of traveling because it felt like being squeezed through a tube as thin as Serena's patience, today she immediately grabbed her want from her pocket and apperated into the kitchen.

The house was the same as usual. The smell of candles and dust filled her nostrils. She took a deep breathe and trailed into the main room to greet her father. But instead, at the sound of the large crack of apperation, Sirius Black was waiting in the doorframe to greet his daughter. At the sight of him, Serena dropped her bags and launched herself into his arms, "Papa! Oh my merlin I bloody missed you!" She blurted out, releasing the hug and taking a step back, "You look healthy!"

"Hey pup, I missed you too "He replied with a lot less excitement than Serena. Her father jerked his head to the living room where the Weasley's all were sat, with dull and worried looks on their faces. George and Ron looked confused at what had happened, Ginny looked tired and Fred. Fuck he looked terrible. Harry was there too, but he didn't look half as bad as the Weasley children, maybe guilty? She couldn't tell as she wasn't that close with him. "We can catch up after dinner, for now go look after them I think they've gotten over my jokes. Especially Fred, he looks terrible"

Serena sighed. He really is taking this badly isn't he? "Okay Papa, cant wait!" She spoke and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Then she went into the living room to greet the flock of red heads. "Hey guys" She said softly taking a seat next to Fred. He rested his head on her shoulder and she began playing with his hair. She didn't know why, that was something people in relationships do and they definitely are not in a relationship. Before Serena managed to say something else Fred muttered a small "I'm sorry" and she smiled.

"Don't be , I shouldn't have kicked off for something silly. Though the memory was of the first time we met, and I was so close" She smiled, and he returned one back. "How is your dad?" Serena asked, directed to the rest of the Weasley children.

"Mum's gone to see him today, he should be back before Christmas though" Ginny sighed. "How was Hogwarts without us?"

"Bloody awful" Serena laughed, raising the spirits within the house.

Mini Padfoot ~ Fred Weasley. {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now