22- The Patronus

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All of a sudden, a bright blue wisp of light protruded out the end of the girls pear wood wand.Serena stared at it in awe as a Weasel began to form in the light. She turned herself towards Fred and flung herself into his arms."Oh my Godric Fred we did it!" She squealed as the ginger picked her up and swung her around.

As she brung her legs to sit on his hips as he held her in the air, Serena pressed a soft kiss on his lips and whispered "Yes Freddie, I would love to be your girlfriend".

The whole room of students in the room of requirements began cheering and whooping as the new couple stared into each other's eyes smiling the happiest smiles they had ever smiled.


Apparently, things at Hogwarts spread around quickly. You would expect that the students who are doing their OWLS or NEWTS to have something better to do than gossip about Fred and Serena.

Finally fed up of the whispers, the pair decided they would do what they do best; over dramatically proclaim their love for each other in front of the entire school at dinner.

Fred loudly bang his fork on the side of his golden goblet to get everyone's attention, then standing up on top of the table (accidentally kicking some mashed potatoes into an innocent second year's face). "I would like everyone's attention please," He began, looking towards his girlfriend and holding his hand to bring her up.

As she joined Fred on the table, he placed his hand on the small of her back and pulled her into a passionate kiss. The couple were on top of the table snogging for everyone to see.

George, was wold whistling for his brother and cheering them on, as well as a few other students. McGonagall and Dumbledore were sneakily bickering over the fact McGonagall had won the bet because Dumbledore 'simply couldn't tell them apart'.

Most of the Slytherin students, as well as the girls in the Weasley Twin Fanclub were scowling and booing at the actions. Alongside that, Umbridge was getting more and more angrier the longer they stayed within the 8 inch roll eating each others face off.

Finally having enough of their 'affection' , the pink infested woman knocked the couple apart with a swish of her wand , sending Fred into a jug of pumpkin juice, and Serena into a fruit bowl.

"FOOD FIGHT" A Hufflepuff student yelled, and the great hall erupted with students launching pies and banana's and ice creams and pumpkin juice and cereal all over their friends or the timid first years quickly gathering their things and scurrying out of the great hall.

It wasn't until Professor Dumbledore got hit square in the face by a cream pie, that the staff members had joined in.

The Great Hall was absolute chaos. 


Back in the common room, Serena had changed out of her food riddled robes and into a pair of black skinny jeans and one of Fred's t-shirts, knotted at the front. She had purposely worn it to show it off that the grey top looked 100 times better on her than it did him. 

The girl was talking with Ron and Hermione about their favourite band in front f the fire when Fred came down from the boys dormitories. He was wearing a pair of grey joggers which sat on his hips and a tight-ish white top. When he caught Serena's eye the pair just stayed put, staring at each other and taking in the attractiveness of their partners.

She bid the two fifth years good bye and got up to go over towards Fred, who was still standing their gaping over his girlfriend. "Take a picture, it'll last longer" She giggled, playfully slapping his shoulder to get him out of the trance.

"Bloody hell Rena you look-- Hey is that my t-shirt?"Fred said.

"Er- No why would you have a t-shirt that's knotted at the front" She lied. The ginger raised his eyebrow as he eyes up the knot that was showing off the skin on the girls stomach and pulled it. Resulting in the t-shirt unravelling.

"Oh you sly git" he playfully growled, "That's it, we're going to hogsmeade to get you your own bloody tops" Fred said, picking up Serena and throwing her petite body over his shoulders then heading out of the lions common room.

"FRED PUT ME DOWN!"She yelled, hitting his back with her fists, despite it not hurting his strong beaters build. "We can't go to hogsmeade it isn't a bloody hogsmeade weekend there will be no way of--"

"Mr Weasley..." A cold voice interrupted,"Put Ms Black down this instant"It spat her last name like it was venom. Despite what the person had said, Fred still held Serena over his shoulders and turned to face it's source. Severus Snape.

"Hold on" He whispered into her ear and as she tightened the grip onto his body, Fred began to run.

After what felt like forever of clinging onto her boyfriend, Serena was finally dropped down infant of the One Eye'd Witch statue. Confused, Serena raised her eyebrow at her boyfriend and he replied with his signature michevious grin then tapping the status hump "Dissendium".

The hump opened up and as soon as the couple heard footsteps, Fred pulled her by the wrist into the newly unlocked passage.

"Our ticket to Hogsmeade, love"

Mini Padfoot ~ Fred Weasley. {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now