39- Wedding

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Molly was sat in the kitchen hunched over multiple sheets of parchment,  securing finishing touches for the wedding of Bill and Fleur. The older woman was mumbling all sorts to herself, looking overly stressed. 

"Molly, would you like me to make you a drink? Or something to eat you look stressed?" Serena offered her. Molly looked up from the paper with tired eyes, smiling.

"If you could, dear."She replied in a soft voice, quickly returning to the sheets before her.

Sighing at the sight of her, Serena flicked her wand as the kettle began to boil over the hob and she brewed the coffee. Muttering 'wingardium leviosa' the now whistling mental floated through the air, pouring the perfect amount of water into the mug.

Proud with what she made, Serena took the drink out to the ginger and set off to make her some sandwiches.

"Aww are those for me, love?" Fred asked, wrapping his arms around Serena's waist and resting his chin on her shoulders.

"No Freddie, there for your mum, can you take them for me please?" She asked softly.

"Of course" He smiled, happy to make sure his mum was healthy, "You know, when we get married i'm going to put mum in a full body bind curse and people will wear whatever they like" Fred grinned mischievously.

Serena turned herself around, so her back was leaving against the kitchen counter before playfully smacking his chest, "You are not planning our wedding. It'll literally be all about you and I need my attention" The raven haired girl pouted.

"The attention will be all on you when we're tangled up in the sheets like rabbits" He whispered, before turning away and leaving Serena standing, flustered.

Humming a song to herself, Serena cleaned up the kitchen in the muggle way to prolong some time before going out by the lake with the rest of her friends. The latter splashed around in the water for a few hours (careful to not damped George's bandage) before Molly called them in for dinner.


"Love-bugs wake up!" George screeched from the door frame with a toothbrush in his bandages. Serena stirred, sitting up before rubbing her eyes.

"George what the fuck is in your ear hole-" She grimaced.

"A toothbrush, duh" Fred responded sleepily, still clinging onto his girlfriends waist. "Dear brother please continue"

"So, I was doing the usual getting myself some coffee in the morning because its tiring having one ear-"

"Cant relate"

"Shut up Serena, anyways. I was down already in my robes, as you can see" George twirled, showing off his robes for the wedding, "And I see dear old Harry Potter and Ginevera Weasley. Wait for it... kissing in the kitchen!" He told the two, making it dramatic.

"Oh merlin, I hope you didn't embarrass them" Serena replied, face palming.

"I just said morning to them Rena! I'm not horrible" George pouted, flopping down onto his bed and crossing his limbs looking like a spoilt child.

Chuckling, the couple got up and began to get ready for the big day. As the boys 'didn't need much time getting ready', Molly had dragged the latter out of the house to put up the gazebo while the girls, including Serena Ginny Hermione and Fleur getting ready.

Serena slipped on a long, silk green dress with a slit down the side of her left leg. The tightness of the dress hugged all of her curves perfectly. The girl curled her hair and put on a pair of beige heels before tending to Fleur, helping to curl and style her hair.

"'Zank you veery much" The bride said, applying a fresh layer of lipgloss. "Vous êtes belle" Fleur smiled to Serena, who looked at her with an eyebrow raised.

"Zit means youz are beautiful" Fleur chuckled, adjusting the position of the tiara on her head.

"Let's go, Soon-to-be-Wealsey" Serena joked, linking arms with her as the duo left the Burrow, parting ways to go find Fred, Serena greeted the few people who attended the wedding. 

Once Fred had his eye on Serena, his jaw fell to the floor as his eyes undressed her, following the curves of her body, "Fuck you look good" He choked out, kissing her hand. Serena let out a giggle as she linked arms with Fred and took a seat.

"You don't clean up too badly yourself, Weasley."

"You Blacks, constantly breaking the Weasley hearts" Charlie joked from besides Fred, as the brothers began laughing together.


The ceremony was beautiful, Molly and Madame Delacour were in tears during the entire thing. The newly wed couple were first to take to the dance floor, Fleur dress twirling around and pooling on the floor perfectly.

After their first dance, she tossed her white bouquet of roses to the girls behind her, landing in Serena's hands. The girl furiously blushed as Fred sent her a mischievous smile.

The ginger picked up his goblet and a fork, clashing the two together to get everyone's attention. "I would like to say a few words," He smirked, winking at Serena. "Miss Serena Camilla Black. I have loved you since the very first day I saw you. Stumbling into the kitchen as your hair turned bright yellow, and turning pink when our eyes met. I have loved every moment that we have been together. The good and the bead, which is why I would like to ask if you'd do the honour of marrying me." Fred finished his speech, reaching into the pocket of his robes and pulling out an emerald green ring box. Inside, a beautiful shinny ring, with a large diamond rested. "Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me, Serena"

"Yes yes yes!" She squealed, wrapping her arms around Fred's neck after sliding the ring onto her finger. The crowd burst into cheers and Molly sobbed even more than she was already. Alongside congratulating Bill and Fleur, people were coming up and congratulating Serena and Fred.

"It's a beautiful ring, Freddie" Serena whispered as the couple danced, "And hey! At least it's official now"

"You know when me and your dad disappeared that day..." Fred began, looking down at his official fiancee, "I asked for his blessing and he said yes. I was the happiest man walking, until now of course. I'm just gutted Padfoot won't be there to walk you down the isle"

Serena held back her sniffles as she placed a kiss onto Fred's mouth. "I love you so much, Serena its crazy"

"I love you too FredBear" She smiled, resting her forehead against his as the music came to an end.

Suddenly, a blue wisp of light in the shape of an animal made itself known on the outskirts of the tent. "The ministry has fallen" The Patronus announced, as screams echoed through the gazebo.

Guests were apperating away in an instant, as dark hooded figures surrounded the remaining guests.

"Take my arm!" Fred demanded, Serena instantly obliged and the couple apperated back to their flat, George not far behind.

Mini Padfoot ~ Fred Weasley. {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now