1- New Beginings

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Serena was in her newly decorated bedroom blasting music from her wireless. Out of spite , she cranked the volume up particularly high and played songs with a prominent base. Desperately Sirius wanted his daughter to move her bedroom from above the kitchen to the top floor because of her investment of the wireless, but unfortunately she inherited this stubborn genes and would not budge from her childhood bedroom, making the most memories in it she could to make up for lost time.

Today however, she had the wireless louder than usual because her father had simply banned her from using it today. He had said something along the lines of 'I have an important meeting for the Order Of The Phoenix today, I will not have it interrupted by your horrendous music' but she simply decided that she was going to play it anyways.

She was heavily drunken by the music and was singing and dancing extremely loudly, completely forgetting that there was a meeting with a vast amount of adults underneath her. The thought barely troubled her mind and soon she found herself singing into that same hairbrush she had used on her first moments back with her father, and dancing down the stairs into the kitchen.

As she burst in, several pairs of eyes landed on her and she froze in her spot. This was not how she imagined herself introducing herself to her fathers friends or the order, but it happened.

"I uh-"She managed to stutter, her body was frozen, as if the full body binding curse was used to stop her from moving any further. Her eyes scanned the room to meet with her fathers, who was rolling his eyes at her. A small chuckle left her lips when he nodded his head and she began to introduce herself.

"Serena Black, I would say I apologise for ruining your mothers meeting down here but simply, I'm not sorry. If papa-" she shot her father daggers at the mention of him "-Had allowed me to be involved in this meeting I wouldn't have stumbled in and very much so embarrass myself but um, hi"

Everyone was quiet for a while. Serena wondered if what she said was too forward, or maybe a bit rude but her thoughts were interrupted by two , extremely handsomely identical gingers spoke "Sirius, she's wicked"

"Of course, she's my daughter and I wouldn't brag about her if she was boring now would I" He smiled proudly and called for her to come sit next to him, everyone at the table introduced themselves. She had heard about the Weasley family. Full of gingers , attractive children and two of Hogwarts' biggest pranksters, coming second after her father and the rest of his friends.

She had known that her father had invited the Weasley family over to stay for the summer , but never had he imagined her meeting them this way.

Mrs Weasley was handing out their supper when Serena had danced into the room, leaving herself to wonder if her father was going to call her down for the meal , or send Kreacher up with the plate and goblet so she wouldn't have met them yet.

"So , you guys go to Hogwarts, right?" Serena questioned to the ginger twins, who were her age so she had decided to befriend them.

"Yep" The said in unison. "Infamous Weasley twins we are, the biggest pranksters known to happen to that school, or the handsomest pranksters. Take your pick "The one sat closest to her continued, winking at her after the final statement.

"Wrong" Is all that she managed to say. "My father and James and Remus were the biggest and handsomest pranksters known to happen to Hogwarts" followed after her blunt reply.

The two looked at each other, and at Sirius and her Godfather, only just realising that they were part of the Marauders. "No way! Sirius, Professor Lupin you have a lot to tell us tomorrow."

And with that, everyone finished their meal and headed of to bed. Currently, the youngest Weasley was sharing a room with Serena considering she had the largest room and a double bed. Once settle in her room , with a swish of her wand both the girls' clothes transfigured into silk nightgowns and they sat themselves down on the bed.

"Do you wanna listen to some music?" She awkwardly asked Ginny, who only nodded while curiously looking around her bedroom. With a swish of Serena's wand the wireless switched on , blasting music at the loudness of earlier, immediately causing her to switch it back off. After bursting into laughter the two were interrupted by Fred and George , who had apperated themselves into Serena's room with a loud crack.

"Hello ladies" Fred sang, as he walked over to her bed and plopped himself down by the pillows, George following and sitting on the side Ginny was. They both swung their legs up and sunk themselves into the feather soft pillows. "Your bed is comftable, personally Georgie we should have this room instead."

"I totally agree Fred, Ginny be a good sister and let your favourite brothers have their beauty sleep"

"No way" Ginny scoffed "Get out or I'll get Serena to call Sirius to get you out"

Serena heard her name being mentioned, but just stayed sat at the end of her bed frozen, again. Maybe it was the fact she had met 6 new people in one day or the fact her cheeks were slowly glowing red at the sight of how the twins her sprawled across her bed, their hands propped behind their heads.

Fuck did they look pretty... Wait no Serena snap that thought out of your head. She could not believe she was dumbfounded by two boys that she had met not even 3 hours ago. "I uh um, yeah leave or dad will have to chase you out"

"You called sunshine- HEY GET OUT OF MY DAUGHTERS BED YOU TWO BOYS" Sirius yelled at the sight of two teenage boys laying across his precious daughters bed, enraged at the thought of her growing up too fast and loosing her purity. "MOLLY ARTHUR COME GET THESE BOYS AND TEACH THEM SOME MANNERS"

Ginny looked up at Serena in fits of laughter as Sirius picked up her hair brush and started to chase her older brothers around the bedroom and into the hallway, the three voices booming throughout the house.

"Bloody hell, why's your dad chasing Fred and George?" Ron sleepily asked from the frame of his door, evident that the screaming had woke him up.

"Oh nothing bad really, he just found them both laying in my bed" She replied as if it was nothing.

But at the thought of having a boy in her bed, Serena's heart fluttered.

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