23- Hogsmeade Village

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The passage was long, dark and extremely windy. Every once in a while, one of the duo would step on the back of the others shoe, or just bump into them in general, completely forgetting they could use magic out of school

"Say Fred? Where does this lead us too?" The Black girl asked, breaking the silence and they neared the end of the passage.

"Honeydukes cellar"He said proudly, lifting up a piece of wood, revealing a gap big enough for the 17 year olds to climb through.

One they had both successfully snuck through the contrastingly empty honey dukes, and Fred constantly insisting he gave Serena his scarf because she looked 'cold', the two found themselves outside Gladrags Wizardwear (the clothing shop in Hogsmeade).

"Fred I can not believe you actually bought me here because I'm wearing my BOYFRIENDS t-shirt" Serena started, a hint of disbelief sharp on her tongue. "Like honestly could you get any more dramatic" She continued, sighing as Fred grabbed ahold of her wrist and took her towards the Witches section. 

Fred had pulled down a t-shirt, it was a tight fitting long sleeved, orange cropped top. "Hold this" He said, shoving the article into her hands then running off to the mens section, soon returning with a matching one, which looked to be not as tight fitting and was a full t-shirt. "We can be match-y" He said, wiggling his eyebrows and causing Serena to giggle.

"Only if you let me buy you something as well" She replied, beginning her way to the same section her boyfriend was just previously in. As soon as she had walked into it, a blue and green stripped polo shirt had caught her eye. The raven haired girl levitated the shirt from the high wrack that it was on, and she held it up to Fred's body. "Yes yes yes! Absolutely I'm getting you this Freddie oh my goodness" She cooed at the sight of the top against her boyfriends body.

Half an hour later, and a lot of cooing from Serena at the vast amount of clothes she had taken interest in (and bought them all) the pair had finally left the shop and headed towards The Three Broomsticks.

Because of the fact that Serena had bought him the new shirt and a chain which she insisted that he so desperately needed, Fred had decided that being the 'gentleman' he is that he needed to buy their rounds of drinks. Using flattery, the ginger had gotten away with buying himself a firewisky. He did offer Serena one but she had decided on a butter beer to ensure that if Fred got too carried away then she could escort him back to the castle safely.

For a while, the two sat in their booth talking about merlin knows what. Briefly, the subject of her father, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin became the subject of conversation, leading Serena to gush about her time growing up with her god-father Remus, and what it was like for the whole year she and her father had together last year, despite his constant bickering while Remus and Dora were trying to teach her again.

After some comfortable silence, where they both finished their drinks, Fred decided to pipe up and spill what had been on his mind, and what he needed to make an excuse to be alone where no teachers could interrupt.

"Rena, me and George have decided that we're leaving" He began, nervously looking up at his girlfriend who sat across him listening, "See with Dumbledore gone we don't see any reason in staying, besides from you and Lee of course--"

"Oh my goodness! I'm coming-"

"-No way are you. Serena you need to stay here and do your NEWTS, me and George don't care for the exams we've got a property and everything in Diagon Ally waiting for us"Fred replied sternly.

"I can tell Rem and Papa that I had enough of Umbitch and can do my NEWTS at home, I did my OWLS there so it'll be fine-- Wait you've got a property!" She squealed, ignoring the glare her boyfriend was giving her.


"Shut up Fred I'm coming with you. They don't call us the mini marauders for nothing. Like obviously I'm Padfoot because everyone called me mini Padfoot anyways and then your like prongs and then George is mooney because-"

"SERENA!" Fred raised his voice, causing the girl to slightly jump. "As cute as your rambling is, and as much as I'd love for you to drop out with us... Urgh fine you can leave with us." He concluded, as she began pushing out her bottom lip and making the cutest puppy eyes Fred had ever seen.

"She's going to be the death of me" Fred mumbled to no one in particular as they walked out of the cozy pub, hand in hand.

Mini Padfoot ~ Fred Weasley. {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now