2- A Little Crush

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Sirius Black is a crazy man. Brilliant, but crazy. It wasn't until mum scared him away that he stopped chasing us around the bloody house with the enlarged hairbrush, big enough to have been made into a frying pan.

"Personally, I think he overreacted, we were only laying on her bed" George spoke, heavily panting in between. If it wasn't for the heavy amount of quidditch that we played, we would be very likely black and blue

"George if you saw your daughter that you had only reunited with a year ago with two boys as handsome as us in her bed, you would react the exact same "He panted back ,"Especially if she is that pretty" The last part added in a whisper.

"What was that Freddie?"

"Nothing Georgie, lets go back to our room"


Ron knocked and walked into the twins' bedroom at around half 12, not too long after everyone had settled back into bed, and Molly and Sirius' argument about how her boys lacked in manners by jumping into his daughters bed on the first day meeting her. Complete wrong perspective of what happened but he was too strong minded to allow any opinion change his own.

"What's gotten into you nutters, messing with Sirius Blacks daughter, with you two around he will definitely become a murderer" Ron laughed, throwing a hoodie of Serena's at George that he had taken from Kreacher. "If you really want her that bad, don't try fuck her within 3 hours"

George threw the small grey hoodie at Fred, it landing on his face. He inhaled the scent and his cheeks flushed red. "Ron, sod off what would you know about fucking somebody. I'm sure Hermione wouldn't touch you if you were the last person on earth" George laughed back, Fred eventually pulled the honey and wildflower smelling hoodie off of him and spat back an answer to Ron in hope to scare him back to his room, which it did of course, Ron was terrified of spiders and saying there was one in the room was a simple solution to get rid of his presence.

Eventually, the twins curled into their own separate beds and bid each other goodnight, the scent of honey and wildflowers lingering at the tip of Fred's nose


Ginny was asleep on the left side of Serena's bed, snoring louder than anyone could imagine. The lack of sleep she had gotten that night was hitting her , considering that she couldn't even conjure the silencing charm to shut her up. Sluggishly, she found herself being lead down stairs to the kitchen and started to brew herself some coffee.

For a while, the 17 year old found herself slouched against the cupboards and sitting on the counters. The Black family house elf Kreacher walked in and out of the kitchen , muttering things such as 'mistress will not be happy' and 'blood traitors in our home' , clearly not seeing that Serena was indeed hearing every word. She had never had a problem with blood-status unlike most pure-blood families, despite what other members of the Black family would think. However growing up with a werewolf allowed herself to understand blood supremacy was a load of bullshit.

On her last sip of the coffee , between gentle hums of her favourite song, the kitchen door crept open. Serena panicked, dropped her mug onto the floor, and shifted herself into an extremely small person, her clothes also shifted into a deep black allowing herself to blend into the kitchen tiles.

As the figure came closer into the room, she noticed that it had belonged to Mrs Weasley, and that she was repairing the mug that had broken. Slowly, to ensure she doesn't startle the woman, Serena came out from the tiles and grew back into her normal form.

"Sorry Mrs Weasley, if I had woken you up with my uh, singing just I couldn't sleep, Ginny is the loudest snorer ever" She quickly spoke.

"Oh call me Molly dear, and don't worry about waking me up, it was my owl with the children's Hogwarts letters" She replied, a pile of envelopes with the Hogwarts crest sealing them. "Ronald's friend Hermione should be over soon , then we can dish them out. Now sweetie you should be off to bed, I'll charm Ginny's snores for you so you can go back to sleep."

But she couldn't sleep. Not with the caffeine now intoxicating her body, and the heavy smell of gunpowder and cinnamon lingering on her sheets.

Mini Padfoot ~ Fred Weasley. {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now