34- 10 Galleons

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"Up up up!" Fred and George chorused, banging pots and pans with spoons in attempt to wake up Serena. "Come on, the children are coming over today, wanna make sure we get Ron" George said excitedly, banging the pan like it was a drum.

Serena kindly told the two boys to 'Fuck off and let her sleep' because it was their business, not hers and she needed beauty sleep. 

Just as she thought they had finally left, considering the banging of the pans had finished and a large grin made it's way across her face, Serena felt the heavy bodies of the twins land on top of her, holding her down under their grip, "Get up, or I'll hex you. Love" Fred growled, trying to be intimidating but it only made the two burst out into hysterical laughter.

"Fine fine I'm up" She groaned, pulling off the cover and transfiguring her clothes. "Better?" She asked cockily, presenting the boys her in a pair of jeans and a WWW hoodie. Nodding, they boys noticed her fold her arms across her chest and mutter something under her breath while shaking her head.

"Stop staring Fred" She teased, as the latter left Fred's room and went down into the shop to prepare for the workday. "Merlin I wish that bloody owl of your's would hurry up so I can see if I was accepted into that program" She complained to George as she was nursing some of the PygmyPuffs.

"Yeah she's a bit slow when it comes to mail, deliveries she's brilliant but mail she's lazy, reminds me of someone" He replied bringing his forefinger and thumb to his chin and pretending to think.

Out of nowhere, a book came flying at his face, and Serena just continued to innocently care for the creatures, humming a song to them.

"DON'T INSULT MY GIRLFRIEND" Fred's voice echoed through the shop, telling the two that the book was probably a load of order forms from the office. George mock saluted his older brother and got back to work, a smile etched on the trio's faces.


It was four o'clock. The whole of Diagon Alley seemed to be shut down, besides from the one bright orange shop at number 93. Over exited children alongside their parents were rushing about inside of the joke shop trying to get their hands on the prank supplies they'd like.

Not long after Serena had checked out a little boy from Hogwarts, who said that he admired what the trio did to escape toad-face, Harry Hermione Ron Ginny and Molly found themselves in the shop.

From the ladder he was on, George made his way over to the group of familiar red heads and began showing them around the shop. Stoping every now and again to sample a product and getting a look of disgust from Molly. 

"How much?" Ron asked, picking up a product.

"5 Galleons" Fred and George said in sync as they stopped in their tracks up the stairs.

"How much for me?" He pressed.

"5 Galleons" The two repeated.

"But I'm your brother?" Ron continued, looking utterly confused.

"10 Galleons" They replied, no sense of humour lingering in their tone. The twins shrugged as they continued their way up the stairs leaving Serena to go and see her friends.


"Helloo ladies" She said, in a deep voice mocking the twins. Hermione and Ginny slightly jumped, placing the love potions they were admiring back into their stands, "They really do work!" She boasted, looking at Ginny and giving her a mischievous grin.

"Then again Gin, I hear you're doing just fine on your own" She winked, a flush of red making it's way up onto her cheeks.

"Yeah aren't you dating Dean Thomas in my year?" Hermione asked, crossing her arms across her chest and giving her a knowing look.

Quickly, Ginny put down the products she was holding and rushed over to Molly. The relieved look on her face told Serena that Ginny had told her she wants to get out of there, earning a laugh to escape from the pair's lips.

Mini Padfoot ~ Fred Weasley. {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now