21- What's Been Happening?

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As time went on in Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry, things that the Black girl had expected from school were demolished. Crushed.

All in honour of Professor Delores Jane Umbridge (AKA Umbitch to her and the twins).

It only came natural to Serena to defy the pathetic and completely barbaric rules that the new 'High Inquisitor' of Hogwarts had to say. She was the daughter of Sirius Black after all. Students admired the bravery of the new addition to the 7th year Gryffindors.

When Umbridge had created the rule that 'all Weasley products were banned' (earning her an extremely vast hatred from the Weasley family) she had thrown one of their fireworks straight into the silly mocking frame which hung on the wall that separated the corridors to the great hall.

Of course this had earned her a weeks detention, and a scar on her delicate hands saying "I must obey" in her pretty cursive handwriting, but that just grazed past her train of thoughts, as if she had just falling off her bike and brushed it off.

But she didn't stop there.

In honour of her father and the marauders, she had transfigured the Slytherins robes into muggle Prom dresses alongside the twins and Lee. The look on the slimy snakes faces were flabbergasting. Malfoy's dress was the most spectacular, being bright Gryffindor red with glimmering sequins that hugged his scrawny body and stopped above the knee.

Of course, the four had all gotten detention from McGonagall, but even she was seen with a subtle smile painted o her face. Serena felt extremely proud, if not beaming at the letter Sirius had sent her, praising the fact she must have really outdone herself by doing a marauders prank, better than the marauders! (Causing her to therefore go and repeat a few more including the flooding of every toilet in the school besides from the ones in Moaning Murtles bathrooms and transfiguring the Slytherins hair red and gold on the run up to their quidditch match)

At some point, Severus Snape had began being a lot more nicer to Serena during their potions lessons. Which had left her and the what was known as the 'Modern Marauders' to the members of staff, extremely confused. Though she just brushed it over, and her potions grades were becoming a lot better now she wasn't fighting the teacher over little things.

Somewhere between there, Serena had managed to get herself kicked off the quidditch team along with Fred George and Harry Potter. During their match against Slytherin, Draco Malfoy had composed a song mocking and saying horrid things about the Weasley family. Herself, George and Harry had all immediately gone to attack Draco after the match, resulting in being kicked off. And though despite Fred being held back by Angie and Katie Bell (the reserve chaser) he was kicked off due to Umbridge not being able to tell the twins apart.

As well as that, Umbridge had tried to get rid of the Divination teacher, who Serena thought was a fraud when she stopped her dead in the hallways telling her that a tragic death was around the corner for the Black family. However this was shut down immediately by the one and only bad-ass Minnie McGonagall. (She was really beginning to become Serena's favourite teacher!)


"So guys, today I was thinking that we do an overview of everything that we've done so far: thus including hexes, stunning spells , protection spells and your patronus'"Harry began directing to the members of the DA. Lessons were happening a lot more frequently now that he was off the team.

"Urgh" Serena groaned. She still hadn't managed to get her patronus even though she and Fred had been practicing. Ever since the two had admitted their feelings, they were unseperable but still not officially together. "Fred come help me with this stupid patronus, I can do everything else!"

"Coming love!" He sung, skipping his way over to the raven haired girl. He stood behind her, quite closely so their body's were touching' and took ahold of her wrist in his hands, manipulating it to follow the movement of the way to perform the charm."Come on you can do it!" He whispered gently into her ear.

Serena took a deep breath, and said the charm "Expecto Patronum" right at the same time Fred whispered something else in her ear from the now behind hug he had her in.

"Be my girlfriend".

Mini Padfoot ~ Fred Weasley. {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now