38- The 7 Potters

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The members of the order were all gathered together in the empty living room of 4 Privet Drive. Today was the day that they were moving Harry to a safe house, in order to keep the death eaters at bay.

"Why is it we have to take the Piss Potion?"Serena asked, rolling her eyes, "Wouldn't it be easier if Harry just transformed into one of us?" An array of murmurs agreeing with the Black girl flooded the room.

"You have the attitude of your father, Black" Mad Eye Moody growled, being flashed a warning look from Fred who had his arm around the small of his girlfriends back. 

Before Moody was able to announce the partnering for the transfer, Dora spoke up, saying she had an important announcement. Serena cocked up an eyebrow at her cousin, listening eagerly to each word that lingered off her tongue.

"YOUR PREGNANT!?" She squealed, running towards her cousin and God father to embrace them in a hug, "I swear, Mrs Lupin. Yes I know your married miss cousin of mine who didn't tell me anything." She teased, waving a warning finger around her face before continuing. "I swear if I'm not the godmother I'll shoot you with that muggle gun thing"

"Yes of course you will be, don't be daft" Remus spoke up, shaking his head, "And Harry, you'll be the godfather if that's okay?"

"More than" He grinned, bringing Remus into a fatherly hug.

"As cute as this is, we should probably stop wasting time" George said, crossing his arms across his chest and allowing Moody to continue. 

The man announced that Harry would be with Hagrid on her fathers old bike, Hermione would be with Kingsley Shacklebolt on a thestral alongside Fleur and Bill on another, George with Remus, Dora and Serena , Fred and Arthur and Ron and Moody on a Broomstick.

Hermione quickly went up the back of Harry and pulled out a strand of his hair for the potion, as the boy squealed from the feeling of getting his hair pulled out. The Potter boy complained for a few minutes on how that it was unfair and barbaric that his friends were risking everything for him. George said something along the lines of 'We don't really fancy it either, mate' before the liquid began to bubble.Once the liquid began releasing the smoke of the essence of Harry, the ex-auror began passing around the vile.

"Fair warning, it tastes like goblin piss" He groaned, handing it to a smirking Fred.

"Had a lot of experiences with that have you, Mad-Eye?" He joked, receiving a deathly glare from him, "Just trying to diffuse the tension" He replied in a mock surrender, before wrapping his lips around the vile and taking a swig before handing it to George.

Fred grimaced at the taste, looking at his girlfriend who followed suit giving him an 'I told you so' look before their bodies began to morph into Harry Potter.

"Wow, we're identical" Fred, George and Serena commented at the same time. The group bursting into laughter before the pairs climbing onto their allocated ways of transport.

Dora and Serena set off towards Aunt Murial's house, one of the safe places, on her broomstick. After a while of calm flying, and being grateful for the same transport a loud, familiar cackle echoed through the inky black sky.

"Shit, it's Bella" Serena panted through the wind to Dora. The death eater shot a spell towards the 'Black sheep' of the family, cackling and cursing her niece.

"I'm coming to get you!" Bellatrix cackled, firing more spells and green lights shooting from the end of her wand.

Having enough of the girl's attacks towards her pregnant cousin, Serena leaned over her shoulder, firing hexes and jinxes at the top of her lungs.

Recognising the wand, a wicked smile grew across Bellatrix's face, "Oh look, its the disappointments in one place" She laughed, being cut off by her husband falling from his broom. Without thinking, the witch swept down and grabbed her husband, flinging him to the back of her broomstick, screeching and calling him slurs for falling off.

During that time, the two Blacks managed to swerve away from the battle and head back on track to the safe house.

Once they arrived, the Weasleys aunt began fussing over the two girls checking them over for any signs of damage and making them miss the port-key.

"Aren't you the one who's dating Frederick?" The woman asked Serena, who spat out her coffee at the mention of her boyfriends full name. Murial pulled a face of disgust at the girl's actions before spooning in some sugar with a silver tea spoon to her own drink.

"Uh- Er, Fiancee" She smiled, watching Dora's jaw drop at the news. "I haven't told anyone yet so shush Dora"

Her cousin mimicked zipping her mouth shut and throwing away the key mere seconds before the portkey began to violently shake. "That's our queue, thank you for the coffee Murial" Dora thanked heading towards the port-key followed by Serena.

"Yes, than you Aunt-in law" Serena said, watching the woman scoff at the words. The two Black's grabbed ahold of the port-key before viciously spinning in the air, letting go when the earth seemed to stop spinning and landing face flat on the floor in front of the burrow.

At the sound of the noise, Remus came out from the house, wand in hand holding it up at the women. "What did you give Serena on the day she moved out?" He yelled, waving his wand.

"A Black Bear!" The two said in unison, slightly shaking at the sight of Remus riled up. At their responses, the werewolf lowered his wand and pulled the most important woman in his life into the tightest embrace. 

"Rena, go inside. Fred's going to.. need a friend." He spoke sheepishly, as the colour drained from her face.

Serena quickly padded inside the house, calling George's name to be greeted with Molly crouched down on the sofa stroking the ginger's hair. 

"Serena!"Fred sobbed from his seating position, jumping up and wrapping his arms around her waist, "Merlins beard I thought I lost you Rena." He cried into her shoulder, Serena tracing circles on his back.

"Hey, remember our promise?" She asked when the boy pulled away. Fred nodded in response, placing kisses all over her face. "I won't go anywhere without you Fredbear. I love you" She smiled, watching him scrunch his face up at the nickname.

"I love you too, Rena Vina" He replied, finally kissing her lips. 

As the two broke apart, George looked up from the sofa at the girl, a grin plastered on his face. "Oi Rena!" He called in a raspy voice, "Aren't I still more handsome than Fred with an ear gone?"

"Of course you are Georgie, sorry Fred truth hurts" She smirked as her boyfriend wiped away a fake tear.

"You wound me, Weasley-to-be. You wound me"

Mini Padfoot ~ Fred Weasley. {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now