25- Pull A Weasley

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"Okay so plan : Me and Fred will set off the fireworks in the great hall" George began, looking back and forth between his twin brother and Serena. "You got the portable swamp and know how to work it right"

Serena nodded, "George chill, obviously I know how to work it I made them" she comforted. "Tonight is going to go perfect I promise you both"


The trio had just finished their dinner and made their way back to the common room. Before anyone could notice, they quickly slipped away into the boys dormitories to go over their plan one final time.

Anxiety fluttering around in their stomachs only pumped their desire to get out. Fifth-teen minutes.

Fifth-teen minutes until they go through with their biggest and most gruesome prank yet.


They had left the dormitory and stiffly sat on the scarlet couches for the last time. Serena silently  bid goodbye to the common room and went into her dormitory. Unluckily, the girls who she had become quite fond of were not in their, leaving Serena to pack her belongings up alone , shrinking them and placing the miniature trunk into the pocket of her jeans.


"Why are you lot being so weird" Ron pestered, jabbing his elbows into his older brothers sides, "Come on tell me"

"You'll see soon ickle-ronnikins" Fred teased, signalling for the trio to leave the common room.

"Thank you for being such a great portrait fat-lady" Serena said, "Sorry about my fathers trauma a few years back!"



The swamp instantly began growing, and growing, and growing. It wasn't long until Serena could hear the echo's of fireworks coming from the great hall and the contagious laughs from her favourite twins. 

The corridor was now flooded in green icky liquid, bubbling and spewing everywhere. After a while of admiring her work , the boys came running up behind her, with Fred grabbing her by the waist and picking her up, spinning her around.

He quickly placed a kiss on her lips and put her down when Umbridge and Filtch came pounding and cornering the latter off.

"I think it's you guys find out what happens to wrongdoers in this school" She giggled. Filtch had a malicious grin on his face as he held out a piece of parchment for the toad to sign.

"No." Fred said, grinning. "I don't think we will, Serena? George?"

"Accio Broom!" the trio yelled in unison, causing the twins clean sweep 5's  and Serena's firebolt to come crashing through the walls, and stopping at their owners sides.

"You know what, I really don't think we will" Serena replied, hoping onto her broom and sending a spell at her swamp causing it to bubble and spit into Umbridge's face.

"Give her hell from us Peeve's!" Fred ordered, retrieving a mock salute from the poltergeist as they flew off into the sunset.

George threw one last firework, which created a large WWW, for Weasley's Wizard Wheeze's and 93 Diagon Ally and they were off.

"Wanna go back to mine? Give Papa a surprise like he did for me when he came flying onto the ceiling" Serena smirked.

"Sure, he'll probably react better than mum will anyways, right Freddie?"

"Right you are Georgie!"


It was dark by the time the Hogwarts drop outs landed on the roof of 12 Grimmauld Place. The Black girl gracefully hopped off her fireball and headed to the shed where the stairs leading down were. She sighed happily at the memories of this place and muttered 'alohamora' before leading the twins down the inky stairs.

Casually, they walked into the kitchen, where Sirius, Remus ,Molly ,Arthur and Dora all stood waiting for their trouble makers.

"Hi" They chorused as if they weren't about to get the biggest ear-in of their lifes.

Unexpectedly, Sirius and Remus had ran up to Serena and dragged her out of the kitchen followed my Nymphadora placing a silencing charm on the room. 

"Their going to be getting yelled at for a while, you know how crazy our Molly can get" Serena's cousin and fellow metamorphagus , Dora whispered into her ear.

She giggled at her cousin's comment and flopped herself down on her beloved sofa which she missed dearly, "Papa, Re I'm waiting for you to shout at me" She said calmly

The two males looked at each other and burst out laughing. Serena raised an eyebrow and averted her gaze from the pair to Dora, who was also staring at them too. 

"Well?" She asked, confusion in her tone.





They yelled, but it was a proud yell. At their childishness, Serena just laughed and engluphed her Father and God-father in a warm hug. "I've missed you both, letters don't do enough and none of you sent me any howlers" She frowned blaming the two men.

"AND! I had to find out from my beloved cousin over here that you" She pointed to Remus, "-and her" She pointed to Dora "Are together!" She squealed!

Mini Padfoot ~ Fred Weasley. {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now