33- Moving

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"Have you got everything?" Remus asked for the hundredth time that afternoon. "I could always owl anything over, but I'd rather not the hassle if you know what I mean" He teased.

"Remus, don't worry I've got everything, done the spell only merlin knows how many times, and anyways stop worrying about me you need rest" Serena replied sincerely, the full moon was only days away and Remus was looking horrible, despite growing up with his condition it seemed to Serena that every full-moon got worse for her God-father.

She sent him a genuine smile before picking up her trunk. She heaved it over to the fireplace alongside some other bags.

"Serena, before you go we have something for you" Nymphadora said, grinning from ear to ear.

"Oh dear, this can't be good.." She muttered to Remus who was sat on the sofa. Not after long, her cousin padded down the stairs with a box in her hands. Dora sent Remus a knowing smile, which he responded with a nod as she handed to box over to Serena.

"I'm afraid of what's in here" She joked, unravelling the ribbon on top. Cautiously she lifted off the top, revealing a black, fluffy bear. 

Suddenly a wave of memories flooded their way through Serena's mind, as she remembered getting this gift from her father on her birthday, only mere months before he was locked up in Azkaban. The sound of James' laughter playing over and over again, followed by "Paddy, your a dog not a fucking bear" caused tears to slowly pool up in her eyes.

Squeezing the bear, Serena looked up at her cousin and God-Father pulling them into a large hug, "I'm going to miss you guys, I can stay if you want" She muffled, earning a slap upside the head from Remus.

"You will do no such thing! Don't worry about us sunshine, go live your life while you still can" He told her, Dora agreeing.

After releasing from the hug, she looked up at the clock, muttered a 'shit I'm late' and ran into the fireplace, yelling "Fred and George's flat", waving to the adults as green flames enveloped her body.


Serena didn't feel her feet stabilise at the other side of the fireplace.

Instead, she was greeted with the face of Fred Weasley, grabbing ahold of her hips and saving her from face planting the floor, "Woah steady there , love" Fred chuckled, being cut of by Serena's lips on top of his. "I missed you" She mumbled, resting her forehead against his.

"Love, you were here not even a week ago." Fred replied, shaking his head. Serena pressed a finger up to her lips, shushing her boyfriend before the two broke out into a fit of laughter.

"Come on now, lets get you unpacked" George interrupted grabbing ahold of the girls trunk and dropping it into Fred's room. "No sex again please" He grimaced , making the colour drain from Serena's face.

"Shut up George, at least I have someone to fuck" Fred retorted, giving his brother a smug look.

The two made their way into Fred's bedroom, which was a mess. He had clothes and glasses scattered across the room, which made Serena turn to the boy and give him a disapproving look, she silently waved her wand and his bedroom, alongside her belongings into designated places. "Urgh I can never get this spell to organise my things right" She muttered, causing Fred to stifle out a laugh as he launched himself onto the newly made bed.

"I am a bit messy aren't I, love" He teased, getting a sponge thrown at his face in retaliation. Pushing out his bottom lip and pouting, Serena climbed onto the bed, kissing the place where she had 'damaged of his pretty face' as an apology.

"You missed" He smirked, leaving Serena to roll her eyes as she transfigured her clothes into a familiar pair of silk nightwear. 

"Goodnight Freddie" She said, scooting under the covers and snuggling into the crook of Fred's neck.

"God I do love you" Fred mumbled, closing his eyes and pulling his girlfriend closer to his body.

That night the couple got one of their best sleeps ; if sleep was going to be that good when they were next to each other, they never wanted to leave.

Mini Padfoot ~ Fred Weasley. {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now