31- Afraid

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Serena awoke with a start.

Her breathing was fast, heart pounding in her chest, coming out in small clouds as they reached the coldness of the summer air. Her forehead was damp with sweat, and Fred was besides the girl in his bed, arm in its usual post around her waist.

Rain was pounding against the windows, looking out towards nothing but a dark abyss.

Ever since her father had died, Serena was constantly waking up from nightmares, the same thing replaying before her.

The sight of her young fathers face paling, loosing all emotion before her eyes. Replaying even more grim than the night it happened.

She saw everyone laughing at him. He deserved it, they would say. Finally, the disappointment of the noble house of Black, given the fate he deserved.

For a while, Serena sat up in the single bed catching her breath as tears casually rolled down her pale, hungover cheeks.

Carefully, she removed Fred's arm from around her body and rose from the bed. She glided her feet into a pair of his slippers (which were way too big for her tiny feet) and made the short journey downstairs.

As quietly as she could, Serena got herself a glass and muttered 'aquamenti', a gleam of crystal clear water shot out of the end of her pear-wood wand and into the glass.

She took a sip from the glass and averted her gaze to the pond outside of the window. Rain pounding it's way into the once calm water, sending ripples back and forth.

"Serena?" A voice called, making the newly eighteen year old jump. She turned around to be face to face with Harry.

His eyes were half shut, hair a mess. He looked like Uncle James so much like this. She thought, shaking the thought away. "Oh hello Harry" she smiled, despite not speaking to him properly since  his hero needs.

"Is everything okay?" He asked, rubbing sleepy dust from his eyes. "I just heard a lot of noise coming from down here and was curious"

"I- I yeah I'm fine" She replied gently, "Sorry for waking you up"

Harry sent aa small smile towards his god-sister. He could tell she was having nightmares, because he was too. The look on her face was the look of fear.

She was afraid.

But so was he.


Fred woke up tangled in his girlfriends arms. She held him close while playing with his soft ginger hair, humming a song under her breath.

"Good morning, Princess" He said, voice raspy. Fred looked up at his girlfriend and sent her a handsome grin.

"Good morning, love" She replied, gently kissing his forehead.

"We're going on a date today, 6 o'clock sharp" He demanded, placing a peck onto her lips.

Serena blushed at her boyfriend and pulled the blanket up. She snuggled into the nook of his neck and traced patterns over his bare chest. "How much of last night do you remember?"

"Most of it, you looked hot when we did spin the bottle, if you know what I mean" Fred replied jokingly, earning a slap on his chest.

"No but like, we have like, a different conversation?"

Fred looked at his girlfriend in confusion, raising an eyebrow. "Wait did I ask you to move in last night-?" He said quickly.

"What?" She replied, returning the quizzical look.

"Nothing, nothing." Fred returned, shooting up and pretending he hadn't said anything. "I'll see you later for our date, love!" He yelled, before skipping down the stairs and out of the burrow.

For a while, Serena stayed in his bed, wrapped up in the warmth of Fred's duvet. She had a funny feeling in her stomach after she heard the pet name. Had he really been plastered enough to forget what they had told each other last night?

She sighed, clutching onto her paw-print necklace which held an image of her, Sirius and her mother. "I miss you both, so so much" She muttered to herself, as tears threatened to spill from her eyes.

Taking a deep breath, Serena tugged the duvet of her petite body revealing the pair of shorts and tank top she was wearing. Quickly, she conjured a dressing gown and some slippers and made the journey downstairs, where she was greeted by the Weasley's. (And the 'adopted' Weasleys)

Mini Padfoot ~ Fred Weasley. {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now