8- That Was My Bagel!

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Serena was left in the common room dumbfounded. Never in her life had she experienced something like that.

"Did you and Fred just, you know?" Came a small voice from the stairs. Serena looked up and saw Hermione, looking awfully awkward.

"Oh my god ew no way, he was just tying up my tie for me" Serena replied. Hermione rolled her eyes and the two girls headed towards the great hall for breakfast.

As they entered, the hall was radiating such positive energy like what it was last night, despite there being over half less. Serena and Hermione found their way over to the Gryffindor table and both took a seat. Serena found herself sitting besides George, who gave her a smirk.

"What Weasley" She asked, grabbing and buttering a bagel.

"Nothing Black. Nothing at all" he said, reaching for the bagel she had just buttered and snatching it off her.

"Oi that was my bagel!" She squealed. But instead of giving it back, George took a large bite and him and Lee began to laugh. "Hey where's Fred?" Is all that came out, after her sulking for a good five minutes.

"Shouldn't we be asking you that, Black" George replied, biting into another bagel.

Before Serena managed to reply, she was interrupted by Professor McGonagall handing out the students time tables. She quickly grabbed hers and took a look at where she would be heading first.

Transfigurations- MM
Potions- SS
Herbology- PS





"Are they taking the piss?" Serena wined. She knew she wanted to become a Healer, but the order of her lessons had really put her off of full time education.

"George look!" She wined again, shoving her sheet of parchment into his face,"Look at Wednesday! The amount of double lessons are gonna drive me up the walls!"

After a while, Serena had dragged herself up and began her way to the Transfigurations classroom. She was lucky that Hermione had given her a brief day-light tour on their way to the great hall.

She was the first to arrive at the classroom, and strolled around the halls for a while. As she was walking, a tall yet slim blonde boy barged into her.

"Watch where your going, Mudblood" He spat, continuing to walk off.

"Watch that tongue of yours, scrawny git. Learn to educate yourself before calling someone names!" She yelled back at him.

"My father will hear about this!" Is all he replied.

"I've heard of you. Draco Malfoy, am I right?" She questioned, walking closer to him. "Serena Black, or in other words, your cousin." She flipped him off and walked into the transfiguration classroom.

"Miss Black, your late" McGonagal said, pointing towards the muggle clock on the wall.

"I got lost" Is what Serena choked out, and took a seat in front of Fred and George, next to Lee.


Next up was potions. Last night the girls were gossiping about how depressing Severus Snape's lessons were. And she had him for a double period. At home, potions was her favourite subject, and she was not about to let a greasy-haired loner drive her away from her passion .

As Serena walked in, she instantly took a seat next to Angelina, who was also in this class.

Snape's entrance was dramatic. Very dramatic. Her father had told her about Snape when he was in school and he doesn't seem to have changed.

As soon as he had walked in, he flicked his wands and everyone's books flicked open to the 'Dreamless Sleep Draught'. Serena had remembered doing this potion with Dora last year, so she was a pro at it. She was about to begin collecting her ingredients when a blonde haired Hufflepuff decided to say something.

"Professor, we did this potion last year? Why're we doing it again"

"Because Mr Jacobs, I said. 10 points from Hufflepuff."

The minor amount of students dressed in yellow and black groaned at the punishment their classmate had. Serena simply ignored the whines and began to gather ingredients for her potion.

Due to the darkness of the potions classroom, Serena was struggling to see the ingredients so she pulled her wand and casted 'lumos'.

"10 points from Gryffindor for foolish wand waving and silly incarnations, Miss Black..."

She turned around, a look of utter disgust on her face. She muttered 'nox' and returned to her caldron. "Pardon me Professor, but I casted that spell due to your depressing classroom being so... dark. Therefore I think you just wanted another pathetic excuse to take points away from a harmless Gryffindor. You know, by the state of this classroom, I can tell why you weren't hired as a herbology professor, you wouldn't be able to keep a lily alive, and their the easiest!"She said with a smirk, earning a glare from Snape. "Oww did I hit a nerve, Snivelous?"

"OUT!" He yelled, making a few Ravenclaw students jump. "Class dismissed. Not you Black, stay"

"I'll see you at lunch, good luck." Angelina whispered, as she followed the rest of the class out of the potions room.

Serena took a deep breathe, she hadn't a clue how Snape would react to her comment and she didn't want to find out.

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