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"Papa no!" Was the last thing Sirius Black heard from his daughter the night it all happened. Hexes clouded his mind, hoping the ray of sunshine that he had protected with his heart was going to be safe, and protected.

Luckily for Serena, Sirius' best friend was able to care for her, despite his furry little problem. Every full moon, the young raven haired girl was left in bed while her God-Father outted the house to ensure he as well as the girl were unharmed.

The two lived in a solitary field, away from everything and everyone. There wasn't much to do in a lone field, so the toddler constantly found herself doing things any muggle would be in awe for. She found herself growing daisies from the palm of her hand, changing her hair colour with a thought in her mind. However in this household, things like this were normal.

Constantly Serena caught Remus cracking in and out of the house , or disappearing into green flames after calling out a location. The magical blood that stayed thriving in the cottage in Blackpool was never discovered.

Memories and magic built the foundation of the house, only to be abandoned 12 years later, when Remus found himself a welcoming job, and Serena was left again , this time , by her Godfather.


"Sunshine, wake up today's moving day" Remus spoke softly, knowing it was going to be difficult removing the 15-year-old from her bed. Cautiously , he walked into the small,single bedroom and muttered 'pack' , swishing his wand around the still, full of life room. It was clear to him that she wasn't ready to let this place go , after all , she had learned her first spell here , created her first potion , read her first chapter book. But oh how they both wished that her father , Sirius Black , was there to experience it all with her.

"I don't wanna leave Re" She whispered into her pillow , still damp from the tears she shed last night. "I don't think I'm ready for this change, besides Tonks might not even like me". A few weeks ago , Remus had spilled the news about his new teaching job at Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry and that she would be staying at 12 Grimmauld Place with a close friend of his, Nymphadora Tonks.

Apparently, she was also a metamorphmagus like Serena. But that didn't make wanting to go stay somewhere foreign to her any easier. The place sounded eerie and busy. Just the fact there were '12' of these buildings at Grimmauld Place made Serena want to curl up into a ball , make her hair grow shorter and shrink back to the size of when she was 3, still with her father.

And oh how she was right. When apperating to her new living place , she couldn't call it home yet as she was unaware if she would even like the place, multiple grey-toned houses stood over towering and intimidating the 15 year old. Never in her life has she seen so many buildings at once, merlin she hasn't even seen a building other than her and Remus' cottage.

The inside was dusty and worn , but smelt somewhat familiar. A pink haired girl stood in the door frame of the kitchen as the two talked in and a large grin on her face.

"Welcome back Mini-Padfoot" she sung , her hair changing from the pink to a mustard yellow , the same familiar colour of the yellow on the Hogwarts Crest. Out of the three adults she's met, every single one had gone to Hogwarts , so why not her?

As she was shown to her bedroom, the familiar warmth of what she felt in her room at Remus' flushed over her. When she noticed the same cot form the photographs in the album, the puzzle started to make sense.

This was hers and Sirius' place.

The only thing now that was missing, was him.


Serena was eating a bowl of tomato soup when she heard a deafening screaching from outside, one anyone studying Care Of Magical Creatures would recognise to be a Hippogriff. She knew that they were proud creatures and hesitated as she put down her spoon , alongside her potions textbook to go and investigate.

Once she had reached the final staircase leading up to the roof of her childhood home, she inhaled a deep breath and prepared to greet whatever was out there. Hesitantly ,her shaking hand reached for the handle and pulled it down.

As the door swung open she was greeted with a snowy white hippogriff... and a scraggly raven haired man, tattooed all over his chest. Before she took a step closer, she pulled the door to and bowed her head: the proper way to greet one of those spectacular creatures. It's head bowed down in an instant and slowly, very slowly, she made her way and stroked it.

However the closer she got to the man, the more she saw similarities between herself and the man. The curly raven hair , the dark grey eyes. Could it be? No , no. No it wasn't possible.

"Papa?" She called, voice shaky and tears pricking the back of her eyes. Happy tears of course , some though being tears of fear.

"Serena...?" The man asked back , slowly stepping forward. He weakly changed into his animagus form , a black scruffy dog with the same grey eyes of her and her father. It was him. She summoned herself a hair brush and he placed his head on her lap , slowly detangling and taming her fathers fur.

Some might say this was an odd father/daughter reunion , but to the two of them , couldn't have wanted anything more.

Mini Padfoot ~ Fred Weasley. {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now