Sid's Past

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Sana was overwhelmed with emotions. Sid and Arnav both are very special to her. Both took stand for her. Prerana's ego was smashed brutally. She was gritting the teeth. She underestimated Sana. Someone was observing her expressions carefully and he knew the actual reason behind her behaviour. Sid' Ma was watching her.

Sid's Ma: Prerana beta! We don't always get what we want because God has his own plans for us. We have to accept his decisions and move on in life. You should not be stuck in one place in life. You are a smart and intelligent girl. I hope, you understand what I am trying to convey to you.

Prerana was in tears and she gets up and runs from there. Sana was blank. Only three people over there knew the reason. Sid's Ma, Sid's Papa and Sid. Sid's Papa and Sid both too get up and go from there. Sana follows Sid. Sana calls Sid.

Sana: Sid! What happened? Where are you going? You didn't finish dinner.

Sid stops and turns back to her. He holds her by the shoulder.

Sid: Jaan! I am going to talk to Prerana. I will explain to you everything later. You trust me. Right?

Sana: I trust you the most bebu. Should I too apologize her? I mean, she is guest so...

Sid speaks sternly, " No way! You have not said anything to her then why you will apologize? I am going because I have my own reasons. Please finish your food. You have to take medicines too. I will come soon."

Sana: We will finish dinner together. You come fast. Love you sweetheart.

Sid hugs her and pecks on her temple.

Sid: Love you too jaan!

Sid goes to Prerana's room. Prerana was sitting on couch and sobbing. Sid enters the room.

Prerana: I don't want sympathy from you. Get lost Sid!

Sid: I have not come here to give any sympathy. I have come to talk to my friend. Can I?

Prerana: Really Sid? Friend? Everything will not be as per your convenience.

Sid: I am sorry. I shouldn't have talked to you like that but you unnecessarily poked Sana. And her self respect, her happiness are above all for me.

Prerana: Oh! So you are here to explain to me how much you love your perfect sanskari wife. Then let me tell you I am least interested in it.

Sid: Why so much hatred? I thought you might have been moved on. But you are not.

Prerana: Yeah! Move on! It is easy for you to say because you never loved me. It was me who loved you. It was me who thought you said yes to marry me because you loved me. And very efficiently you played with my heart.

Sid: I had already said sorry to you for that. I explained to you everything. It was Papa who wanted me to marry you. You were just a good friend of mine. I never had those type of feelings for you. Yes, it was my biggest mistake that I said yes to marry you. But that time Sana was not in my life. When I met her, I found real love. The feeling I had never experienced in my whole life. But the day I realised my feelings for Sana, I told you clearly. I didn't hide it with you. You still had hoped because Papa was against Sana. You kept on trying when I clearly told you about my feelings for Sana.

Prerana: Yes. I was stupid. I hoped that you would come to me. We were good friends. But you didn't. I hate that girl because she snatched you from me. The fact doesn't change. Because she would have not entered in your life you would have been with me.

Sid almost yells: Wake up Prerana! Accept the truth and move on. Sana and I are soul mates. We had to meet. It was destiny. So accept it and live life happily. I request you to stay away from Sana. Already, her health is not fine. Don't create any trouble for us.

Prerana: You can't decide what should I do. I will live life as per my wish. Go to your sick wife and take care of her.

Sid: If you don't want to live peacefully then it's your wish. As a friend, I requested you to stay away from her but now I warn you, if you misbehave with her then you would regret sure.

Saying so he strolls to his room. Sana was waiting for him.

Sid: Hey wifey! Mere khayalon me khoyi ho?

Sana: What happened? Tell me. Is she fine?

Sid: She is fine. First of all, we will dinner. Ok?

Sana: but....

Sid: No but....pehle khana...bad me sab...

Sid calls Radha and tells her to bring the food in the room. They finish dinner. Sid makes her take medicines. They get settled on the bed.

Sana: Ab batao. Kya chakkar hai? Prerana teri ex to nahi?

Sid: Ex nahi hai bas hamari shaadi fix hui thi. Papa wanted me to marry her. I had said yes because at that time you were not in my life. I didn't know how exactly love feels. Then you came in my life and I denied to marry her.

Sana: Engagement hui thi?

Sid: No baba! I had just said yes. Nothing else.

Sana: Now what she wants?

Sid: I don't know. She is very pampered. She is egoistic. She thinks our marriage as her defeat. But I have warned her. Let's see. You don't take any stress.

Sana: hmmmm....

Sid takes her in his embrace. She was lost in thoughts. He pecks her lips.

Sid: Jyada mat socho jaan. Everything would be fine.

They soon get dozed off. Next two days were fine for both Sid and Sana. Sana was getting love from Sid's relatives. She was opening up. All elders were already impressed with her. Prerana was trying to put her down but she was failing drastically. Sid was always around her. Next day was Sangit. Choreographers were arranged. Everyone including Sid's Ma and Papa was going to perform. All were excited.

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