Destiny Conspiracies

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Sana was feeling comfortable with Sid. Sid was keeping her happy effortlessly. He didn't have to take extra effort to please her. He was talking to her normally as they used to talk before. Topics are changed but comfort was the same. In some time Sid's dinner arrived and Sana fed him dinner. He was unable to hold his tears for that moment.

Sana: Hey! Why are you crying? Is food spicy? Have some water.

Sid: Hey sweetheart! Relax. Food is fine. I just missed somebody.

Sana: Is she special?

Sid: Very special.

Sana: Who is she? Your girlfriend?

Sid: No she is not my girlfriend

Sid in mind: She is my wife.

Sid: Now I am done. You also need rest. So sleep. You should not talk much.

Sana: I don't want to sleep. I want to talk.

Sid: I am not going anywhere. I am here with you so you can talk to me anytime. Now please try to sleep.

Sana: Ok fine. But you stay here. Please don't leave me.

Sid: Never. Sleep now.

Sana sleeps within minutes. Sid was also relaxed. He was afraid to leave her for a minute too. He was not able to sleep. Sun rays were popping through the window and Sana's sleep gets disturbed. She stirred a little due to sunlight. Sid's sleep was still undisturbed as he was not able to sleep the whole night. Sana gets up sand sees Sid sleeping in sitting position. Her heart aches to see him such an uncomfortable position.

"Why I feel so special for him? Why I feel so comfortable around him? Why he is doing all this for me? Does he feel the same as me? Am I getting attracted to him? No, it's not just an attraction. It's something else. Yesterday When Avi left, I didn't find it wrong or it didn't affect me. But when I asked him to leave and take rest, my heart was pleading him to stay." Sana thought.

Unconsciously Sana's hand moved towards Sid and she caresses his hair. Sid was awake as he feels her hand caressing his hair. He does not want to break that moment. His stress was all vanished in that moment. Her gesture was full of love and caring. It was just a day but he was already missing these moments. She had showered so much of love on him. Now it was going to be difficult for him to live without her attention. He was enjoying the moment. He suddenly realises how he always wished space in their relationship a few days before. He was cursing all those moments when he thought about space. How he used to fight with her to get over her possessiveness for him.

"That was not just a possessiveness. There were insecurities. I was running behind the things which never matter to me. I wanted to achieve success in my life to give her a better future. But got lost in that. I had almost lost my Sana when she gave me the space which I had asked for. She easily forgave me because she loves me. But God wanted to punish me for it. And now I am getting punishment. Now I am scared to lose her. I know she never loved Avi but still I get scared what if she starts loving him now? No, I don't want to lose her. She always loved me. And hence now too, she is thinking about me. We will win this battle Jaan" Sid's mind was full of emotions. Unknowingly, tears starts rolling from his eyes.

Sana sees tears flowing on Sid's cheek. She wipes tears.

Sana: Sid, are you awake? What happened? Why are you crying?

Sid wakes up realising she has seen his tears. He just rubs his eyes and smiles looking at her.

Sid: No, I was not crying. Maybe I saw some dream.

Sana: Fine. Now get up and go home. You are very tired. You need rest. Your eyes are swollen. Your face is looking so tired.

Sid: I know, I need rest. I will go as soon as somebody comes. Till then I call nurse. You also get fresh and have some breakfast.

And then the nurse comes and helps Sana to complete her morning routines. Sid has to attend some phone calls. He talks to Karan and asks him to take a round of his office. After talking on the phone he comes inside. Sana was still busy in her routine work. Meanwhile he sees Arnav outside and goes to take him inside.

Sid: Hey buddy! You came alone?

Arnav: I am grown up boy now. I can manage alone. Meher di told me everything. How is she now? Can I meet her? I just want to talk to her once. I know these are not visiting hours. They were actually, not allowing me to visit but then somehow I managed to come here.

Sid: I hope, you didn't break any rule.

Arnav: You have a lot of trust issues about me. But now please tell me, can I meet her?

Sid: Of course! You can meet her. She remembers you so there is no issue. Come inside she must be ready now.

Arnav comes inside the ward. Sana sees Arnav.

Arnav: Hey GF! How are you?

Sana: Arnav! You? For a second I was confused. You are looking big.

"Oh God! How can I forget? 3 years is a lot." It strikes Sid

Arnav: Oye GF! Am I really, looking that big? So now I can officially make you my GF.

Sana: Arnavvvvv! What is official and unofficial? But you are really, looking different.

Arnav: I think because of the accident, you have forgotten me. Isn't it?

Sid was so proud of that little boy who was handling situation so nicely. His eyes were smiling looking both of them. They were talking when the Nurse comes and asks Sid to get some medicines. And Sid goes out of the room. Sana and Arnav were talking to each other when Sana hears a phone ring. Sid had forgotten his phone there. She takes the phone and was about to pick it up when it stops ringing. She sighs and was going to keep it on the table when her eyes fall on the date on the phone. Arnav looks at her. He senses something wrong. She looks again to confirm it. She reads 2020. Arnav freezes.

Sana: Arnav! Show me your phone.

Arnav: I have forgotten it. I kept it on my bed.

Sana: You never do this Arnav. I know it. Please give it to me.

And as if the whole universe is ready to conspire something, Arnav's phone also start ringing.

Sana: I knew it. You were lying. Show me your phone.

Sana shouts once again as Arnav was not ready to give it to her. But he takes out the phone from his bag and gives it to Sana.

Sana: This is not that phone which I had given to you. What is happening? Who gave it to you?

She opens the phone and notices the year 2020. She was frozen with some unknown realisations.

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