Emotional Turmoil

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Sana was standing before a woman who was her mother. But she never got love or love from her. Sana used to long for one glimpse of her mother. Ms. Gill used to remain out of home for nearly 15-20 days in a month. Ms. Gill never gave her any sort of attention. When a girl enters adolescence, her mother plays a really vital part. But Sana was alone at that time as well. She was all alone from her birth. Presently her mother is standing before her asking for her love as she is gonna die after some time. All of sudden Sana can't develop sentiments for her mother but at this stage of life, she can't take off her mother. She was fair numb. Also, there were other unknown confusion too.

Ms. Gill came to her and caresses her cheeks with teary eyes.

Ms. Gill: I know, Sanu, I have failed as a mother. But still, I want one chance to love my daughter. Please give that chance. I want to do many things for you Sana.

Sana was silent. She was lost in her thoughts. Sid interrupts in between.

Sid: Ma, please understand. She needs time. This is like a big shock to her. I will talk to her.

Ms. Gill: Ok beta! Just take care of her. I am inside my room. Please let me know when she will be ok.

Ms. Gill leaves Sid & Sana were alone for some time.

Sid: Sana! Please listen to me carefully. I can understand what you are going through. But you have to be strong. She needs you right now. Also, God has given you an opportunity to take care of your mom. She is really regretting her deeds. You should forgive her. You always craved for your mother's love. Please accept her. I know it is difficult for you. But you have to do it. I am with you.

Sana was listening very carefully. She was not reacting at all. Sid was trying to read her eyes but he was not able to get it. She was cold. After a few minutes of silence Sana talks

Sana: What if she is lying?

Sid was shocked by her statement. No, his Sana cannot think like this. She cannot take doubt on her own mother that too in this situation. What has happened to her? She is the kind of girl who has only given love to all. She is the kind of girl who easily forgives her enemies too. Then how can she talk like this now?

Sid: Sana! Do you have any idea what are you talking about? That lady is pleading you and you are doubting her intentions? She is losing her life. For what reason she would lie?

Sana: I don't know but still I can't feel affection for me in her eyes, in her touch.

Sid: It is maybe because you have built a wall between you two. Don't be stubborn at this time Sana. You very well know how dejection feels? Don't deject her feelings at this stage of her life.

Sana: I don't know Sid. I am confused. I am scared.

Sid: don't be scared jaan. You have to be strong. We will consult the best physician for her. We will give her the best treatment. And most importantly love has the power to overcome any situation.

Sana: I am scared to lose you, Sid!

Sid was damn confused with her behavior. He was not able to understand her. It was the first time when he was unable to understand her feelings. He was also a little disappointed with her this kind of behavior.

Sid: What has happened to you? Why will you lose me? I am not going anywhere. I have taken a break from work and I am with you so why are you talking like this? I am not going to leave you jaan.

Sana starts crying hard. She was trying to feel the pain of her mother but something was stopping her. Her instincts were warning her continuously. She was actually scared to lose Sid. But she herself didn't know the reason. But again she thought, if her mother is really that ill then she should not leave her in this condition. Finally, she gathers some courage.

Sana: Ok Sid! I will be here with her. I will take care of her. But it is not easy for me to forgive her. And promise me you will be with me always. At any situation. Promise me you will never ever leave me.

Sid: Why would I leave you, baby. I am madly in love with you. Some people search their whole lives to find what I found in you. Even if you want to leave me, I won't.

Sid and Sana talk for some time and they decide to stay with her mother. Sid tells her to go and talk to her mother. She goes to her mother's room. She was sitting on the couch.

Sana: Ma!

Ms. Gill gets up and comes to her with moist and pleading eyes.

Ms. Gill: Sanu! You forgave me?

Sana was not sure but then she decides to go with the flow.

Sana: Yes Ma! We are going to stay with you. We will consult the best physician. I will take care of you.

Saying so both hugs each other. Both were in tears. For a few minutes, they were in the same position. Sid was watching that reunion from outside. He was happy too. They all have dinner peacefully. Sana calls Meher and informs her that they were going to stay in Gill mansion. Sana and Sid moves towards their room. And Ms. Gill goes to her room.

In Ms. Gill's room

Ms. Gill (on phone): The first step of the plan is successfully completed. She is here.


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