So, you have a boyfriend?

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Sana was in her room standing close window. Just then someone opened the door. She turns to be astounded and stunned at the same time. He was there before her. Her life, her wealth, her heart! He came close to her. He whispered close her earlobe" Do you miss me jaan?" His whisper sent chills through her body. It's been three years since we met. But still, this man holds control to dissolve me in seconds. She herself was not mindful when her cheeks turned profound ruddy. Their lips were fair inches separated. He was around to crush his lips on hers....

And then there was knock on the door and Sana comes back to reality. Oops! It was a dream.

"What are you doing Sana? I do miss him. It is so hard to stay away from him. Stop thinking about him Sana. Just 2 days and I am gone mad. Please help me, God!"

Meher: What happened, sweetie? Where are you lost?

Sana: Nothing. Just avye....

Meher: Missing Sid?

Sana: yes. Very much!

Meher: Call him once. He has asked about space, not ignorance. And importantly you are also missing him hard.

Sana: It's not about that. You will not understand. I didn't leave the home just for his one sentence. It was not because of just one incident.

Meher: What is in your mind Sana?

Sana: Initially, after our marriage, I was helping him in his business so even I was occupied. Most importantly I was with him all the time. Our days passed like a few hours. When his business was settled, I chosen to gotten to be homemaker as his wellbeing was too enduring. I am not complaining but he got numerous things to be occupied with but I have only him.

Meher: This should not be the reason. He can't be with you leaving his work.

Sana: Do you truly think I want him to be with me 24/7? We barely get time for each other. When he is free, we got to go to parties. You know how much I hate these parties. But being a business man's spouse I have no choice for it. In parties, I generally hang out with so-called sophisticated women. And my spouse at the same time, gets busy in being a tease with random young ladies. I trust him totally. I know girls get pulled in to him. He too does a healthy flirt. But my instincts cautions against unpleasant bitches. And after that, I can't take it. It's not the first time, it's always. He has taken me for granted so much. He knows I will never live him. But this time I decided and I burst his balloon of assumptions.

Meher: You both are insane. But you have done it for right baby. He deserves this space. Hehehe.

Sana: I know that.

Meher: But it is not difficult to guess that you would be here. He knows it.

Sana: Baby, He has forgotten many things in these months. I bet you he still would have not thought about it.

Meher: Really? I am shocked. Then surely things have changed a lot. You have taken the best decision.


Sid was in office and he has almost finished every urgent meeting. He had given almost a month plan to his employees. He was finally free now. He decided to go home first and then take some time to think about further plans.

Sid was in his bed remembering sweet memories.


It was an excellent sunset. Both were unwinding at the beach getting a charge out of mesmerizing sunset. There was a sweet hush between two. Sana had kept her head on his shoulder. And He had snuggled her small. The silence was broken by the phone ring of Sana. By seeing caller ID she got cheerful. She picked the call in seconds.

Sana (in a very exciting and happy tone): Hello Boyfriend! You don't miss me more.

Boyfriend: You only forgot me. Have you started dating someone else?

Sana: How can I date anybody else? You are my forever BF

Boyfriend: Hehehe. Don't fool me. I have my eyes on you.

Sana: Oho! I am scared.

Boyfriend: Offo! This cruel world doesn't even let me talk to my GF. I will call you later. Smriti is calling me. Bye, take care.

Sana: Ohh! You too take care sweetheart!

Sid was silently listening to this conversation and burning with anger. He was about to go from there when Sana held his hand.

Sana: What happened? Why are you going? It is so nice here.

Sid: Are you serious? You still behaving like an innocent baby?

Sana: I am your innocent baby. You always say so.

Sid: Please stop this drama Sana. You already have a boyfriend. Then what are you doing with me? I know I have never confessed my feelings to you. But you know what I feel for you.

Sana was smiling inside but somewhat managed to maintain a poker face.

Sana: What are you saying? Do you have feelings for me? What feelings? Just friends wali?

Sid was getting more furious now. He just held her hand dragged her to Car. He just put her into the car and closed the door. He himself got sat on the driving seat. He then held her shoulders.

Sid: You are not just a friend of mine. You are far more that. You understood? Now you tell me why didn't you tell me about your BF?

Sana: You never asked for.

Sid: How can you be so cool? I love you dammit! I can't see you with anybody else. I thought you love me too. You broke my heart Sana.

Sana started laughing like insane. Sid gets confused to see her behavior. "What just happened to her? Is she for real? I am confessing my feelings and she is laughing on me" He thought.

Sid: Are you gone mad? What's happening Sana?

Sana somehow controlled her laugh and then started speaking to him.

Sana: I thought you would do special things to propose to me. But it was too bad. How can anybody propose in a Car?

Sid was super irritated now.

Sana: Ok relax. I don't have any boyfriend. I mean not that kind of boyfriend.

Sid: So there are types of boyfriends?

Sana: Shut up! That was Arnav. He is just 10 years old sweet boy.

Before she gave any explanation further his lips on her lips. And they were lost in a moment for desire. It was their first kiss. Kiss of love, the kiss of passion, the kiss of assurance.

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